TORC1 reactivation by pheromone signaling revealed by phosphoproteomics of fission yeast sexual reproduction.
Starvation, which is associated with inactivation of the growth-promoting TOR complex 1 (TORC1), is a strong environmental signal for cell differentiation. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, nitrogen starvation has distinct physiological consequences depending on the presence of mating partners. In their absence, cells enter quiescence, and TORC1 inactivation prolongs their life. In presence of compatible mates, TORC1 inactivation is essential for sexual differentiation. Gametes engage in paracrine pheromone signaling, grow towards each other, fuse to form the diploid zygote, and form resistant, haploid spore progenies. To understand the signaling changes in the proteome and phospho-proteome during sexual reproduction, we developed cell synchronization strategies and present (phospho-)proteomic datasets that dissect pheromone from starvation signals over the sexual differentiation and cell-cell fusion processes. Unexpectedly, these datasets reveal phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 during sexual development, which we establish requires TORC1 activity. We demonstrate that TORC1 is re-activated by pheromone signaling, in a manner that does not require autophagy. Mutants with low TORC1 re-activation exhibit compromised mating and poorly viable spores. Thus, while inactivated to initiate the mating process, TORC1 is reactivated by pheromone signaling in starved cells to support sexual reproduction.
Optogenetics reveals Cdc42 local activation by scaffold-mediated positive feedback and Ras GTPase.
Local activity of the small GTPase Cdc42 is critical for cell polarization. Whereas scaffold-mediated positive feedback was proposed to break symmetry of budding yeast cells and produce a single zone of Cdc42 activity, the existence of similar regulation has not been probed in other organisms. Here, we address this problem using rod-shaped cells of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which exhibit zones of active Cdc42-GTP at both cell poles. We implemented the CRY2-CIB1 optogenetic system for acute light-dependent protein recruitment to the plasma membrane, which allowed to directly demonstrate positive feedback. Indeed, optogenetic recruitment of constitutively active Cdc42 leads to co-recruitment of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Scd1 and endogenous Cdc42, in a manner dependent on the scaffold protein Scd2. We show that Scd2 function is dispensable when the positive feedback operates through an engineered interaction between the GEF and a Cdc42 effector, the p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1). Remarkably, this rewired positive feedback confers viability and allows cells to form 2 zones of active Cdc42 even when otherwise essential Cdc42 activators are lacking. These cells further revealed that the small GTPase Ras1 plays a role in both localizing the GEF Scd1 and promoting its activity, which potentiates the positive feedback. We conclude that scaffold-mediated positive feedback, gated by Ras activity, confers robust polarization for rod-shape formation.