Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Showing 1 - 25 of 59 results

Local optogenetic NMYII activation within the zebrafish neural rod results in long-range, asymmetric force propagation.

red PhyB/PIF6 zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 19 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.19.613826 Link to full text
Abstract: How do cellular forces propagate through tissue to allow large-scale morphogenetic events? To investigate this question, we use an in vivo optogenetic approach to reversibly manipulate actomyosin contractility at depth within the developing zebrafish neural rod. Contractility was induced along the lateral cortices of a small patch of developing neural epithelial progenitor cells, resulting in a shortening of these cells along their mediolateral axis. Imaging the immediate response of surrounding tissue uncovered a long-range, tangential, and elastic tissue deformation along the anterior-posterior axis. Unexpectedly, this was highly asymmetric, propagating in either the anterior or the posterior direction in response to local gradients in optogenetic activation. The degree of epithelialisation did not have a significant impact on the extent of force propagation via lateral cortices. We also uncovered a dynamic oscillatory expansion and contraction of the tissue along the anterior-posterior axis, with wavelength matching rhombomere length. Together, this study suggests dynamic and wave-like propagation of force between rhombomeres along the anterior-posterior axis. It also suggests that cell generated forces are actively propagated over long distances within the tissue, and that local anisotropies in tissue organisation and contractility may be sufficient to drive directional force propagation.

Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC): a flexible cloning toolbox with diverse applications in vertebrate model systems.

blue AsLOV2 EL222 mouse in vivo zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression Nucleic acid editing
bioRxiv, 13 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.13.603267 Link to full text
Abstract: Here we present the Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC) system, which harnesses site-specific recombination-based cloning via Gateway technology for rapid, modular assembly of between 1 and 3 “Entry” vector components, all into a fourth, standard high copy “Destination” plasmid backbone. The MAGIC toolkit spans a range of in vitro and in vivo uses, from directing tunable gene expression, to driving simultaneous expression of microRNAs and fluorescent reporters, to enabling site-specific recombinase-dependent gene expression. All MAGIC system components are directly compatible with existing multisite gateway Tol2 systems currently used in zebrafish, as well as existing eukaryotic cell culture expression Destination plasmids, and available mammalian lentiviral and adenoviral Destination vectors, allowing rapid cross-species experimentation. Moreover, herein we describe novel vectors with flanking piggyBac transposon elements for stable genomic integration in vitro or in vivo when used with piggyBac transposase. Collectively, the MAGIC system facilitates transgenesis in cultured mammalian cells, electroporated mouse and chick embryos, as well as in injected zebrafish embryos, enabling the rapid generation of innovative DNA constructs for biological research due to a shared, common plasmid platform.

Optogenetic control of Nodal signaling patterns.

blue CRY2/CIB1 VfAU1-LOV zebrafish in vivo Developmental processes
bioRxiv, 12 Apr 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.11.588875 Link to full text
Abstract: A crucial step in early embryogenesis is the establishment of spatial patterns of signaling activity. Tools to perturb morphogen signals with high resolution in space and time can help reveal how embryonic cells decode these signals to make appropriate fate decisions. Here, we present new optogenetic reagents and an experimental pipeline for creating designer Nodal signaling patterns in live zebrafish embryos. Nodal receptors were fused to the light sensitive heterodimerizing pair Cry2/CIB1N, and the Type II receptor was sequestered to the cytosol. The improved optoNodal2 reagents eliminate dark activity and improve response kinetics, without sacrificing dynamic range. We adapted an ultra-widefield microscopy platform for parallel light patterning in up to 36 embryos and demonstrated precise spatial control over Nodal signaling activity and downstream gene expression. Patterned Nodal activation drove precisely controlled internalization of endodermal precursors. Further, we used patterned illumination to generate synthetic signaling patterns in Nodal signaling mutants, rescuing several characteristic developmental defects. This study establishes an experimental toolkit for systematic exploration of Nodal signaling patterns in live embryos.

Optogenetic induction of chronic glucocorticoid exposure in early-life leads to blunted stress-response in larval zebrafish.

blue bPAC (BlaC) zebrafish in vivo Immediate control of second messengers
Eur J Neurosci, 11 Apr 2024 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16301 Link to full text
Abstract: Early life stress (ELS) exposure alters stress susceptibility in later life and affects vulnerability to stress-related disorders, but how ELS changes the long-lasting responsiveness of the stress system is not well understood. Zebrafish provides an opportunity to study conserved mechanisms underlying the development and function of the stress response that is regulated largely by the neuroendocrine hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/I) axis, with glucocorticoids (GC) as the final effector. In this study, we established a method to chronically elevate endogenous GC levels during early life in larval zebrafish. To this end, we employed an optogenetic actuator, beggiatoa photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, specifically expressed in the interrenal cells of zebrafish and demonstrate that its chronic activation leads to hypercortisolaemia and dampens the acute-stress evoked cortisol levels, across a variety of stressor modalities during early life. This blunting of stress-response was conserved in ontogeny at a later developmental stage. Furthermore, we observe a strong reduction of proopiomelanocortin (pomc)-expression in the pituitary as well as upregulation of fkbp5 gene expression. Going forward, we propose that this model can be leveraged to tease apart the mechanisms underlying developmental programming of the HPA/I axis by early-life GC exposure and its implications for vulnerability and resilience to stress in adulthood.

Temporal dynamics of BMP/Nodal ratio drive tissue-specific gastrulation morphogenesis.

blue CRY2/CIB1 zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control Developmental processes
bioRxiv, 7 Feb 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.06.579243 Link to full text
Abstract: Anteroposterior (AP) elongation of the vertebrate body plan is driven by convergence and extension (C&E) gastrulation movements in both the mesoderm and neuroectoderm, but how or whether molecular regulation of C&E differs between tissues remains an open question. Using a zebrafish explant model of AP axis extension, we show that C&E of the neuroectoderm and mesoderm can be uncoupled ex vivo, and that morphogenesis of individual tissues results from distinct morphogen signaling dynamics. Using precise temporal manipulation of BMP and Nodal signaling, we identify a critical developmental window during which high or low BMP/Nodal ratios induce neuroectoderm- or mesoderm-driven C&E, respectively. Increased BMP activity similarly enhances C&E specifically in the ectoderm of intact zebrafish gastrulae, highlighting the in vivo relevance of our findings. Together, these results demonstrate that temporal dynamics of BMP and Nodal morphogen signaling activate distinct morphogenetic programs governing C&E gastrulation movements within individual tissues.

Neuropeptidergic regulation of neuromuscular signaling in larval zebrafish alters swimming behavior and synaptic transmission.

blue bPAC (BlaC) zebrafish in vivo Immediate control of second messengers Neuronal activity control
bioRxiv, 12 Jan 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.12.575339 Link to full text
Abstract: The regulation of synaptic transmission is crucial for plasticity, homeostasis and learning. Chemical synaptic transmission is thus modulated to accommodate different activity levels, which also enables homeostatic scaling in pre- and postsynaptic compartments. In nematodes, cAMP signaling enhances cholinergic neuron output, and these neurons use neuropeptide signaling to modulate synaptic vesicle content. To explore if this mechanism is conserved in vertebrates, we studied the involvement of neuropeptides in cholinergic transmission at the neuromuscular junction of larval zebrafish. Optogenetic stimulation by photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (bPAC) resulted in elevated locomotion as measured in behavioural assays. Furthermore, post-synaptic patch-clamp recordings revealed that in bPAC transgenics, the frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) was increased after photostimulation. These results suggested that cAMP-mediated activation of ZF motor neurons leads to increased fusion of SVs, consequently resulting in enhanced neuromuscular activity. We generated mutants lacking the neuropeptide processing enzyme carboxypeptidase E (cpe), and the most abundant neuropeptide precursor in motor neurons, tachykinin (tac1). Both mutants showed exaggerated locomotion after photostimulation. cpe mutants exhibit lower mEPSC frequency during photostimulation and less large-amplitude mEPSCs. In tac1 mutants mEPSC frequency was not affected but amplitudes were significantly smaller. Exaggerated locomotion in the mutants thus reflected upscaling of postsynaptic excitability. cpe and tac1 mutant muscles expressed more nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) on their surface. Thus, neuropeptide signaling regulates synaptic transmitter output in zebrafish motor neurons, and muscle cells homeostatically regulate nAChR surface expression, compensating reduced presynaptic input. This mechanism may be widely conserved in the animal kingdom.

Lifelong molecular consequences of high Glucocorticoids exposure during development

blue bPAC (BlaC) zebrafish in vivo Developmental processes Immediate control of second messengers
bioRxiv, 9 Jan 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.13.528363 Link to full text
Abstract: Early life stress (ELS) is one of the strongest risk factors for developing psychiatric disorders in humans. As conserved key stress hormones of vertebrates, glucocorticoids (GCs) are thought to play an important role in mediating the effects of ELS exposure in shaping adult phenotypes. In this process, early exposure to high level of GCs may induce molecular changes that alter developmental trajectory of an animal and primes differential adult responses. However, comprehensive characterization of identities of molecules that are targeted by developmental GC exposure is currently lacking. In our study, we describe lifelong molecular consequences of high level of developmental GC exposure using an optogenetic zebrafish model. First, we developed a new double-hit stress model using zebrafish by combining exposure to a high endogenous GC level during development and acute adulthood stress exposure. Our results establish that similar to ELS-exposed humans and rodents, developmental GC exposed zebrafish model shows altered behavior and stress hypersensitivity in adulthood. Second, we generated time-series gene expression profiles of the brains in larvae, in adult, and upon stress exposure to identify molecular alterations induced by high developmental GC exposure at different developmental stages. Third, we identify a set of GC-primed genes that show altered expression upon acute stress exposure only in animals exposed to a high developmental GC. Interestingly, our datasets of GC primed genes are enriched in risk factors identified for human psychiatric disorders. Lastly, we identify potential epigenetic regulatory elements and associated post-transcriptional modifications following high developmental GC exposure. Thus, we present a translationally relevant zebrafish model for studying stress hypersensitivity and alteration of behavior induced by exposure to elevated GC levels during development. Our study provides comprehensive datasets delineating potential molecular targets underlying the impact of developmental high GC exposure on adult responses.

Spatiotemporal control of RNA metabolism and CRISPR-Cas functions using engineered photoswitchable RNA-binding proteins.

blue VVD HEK293 HEK293T mouse in vivo zebrafish in vivo
Nat Protoc, 30 Nov 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41596-023-00920-w Link to full text
Abstract: RNA molecules perform various crucial roles in diverse cellular processes, from translating genetic information to decoding the genome, regulating gene expression and catalyzing chemical reactions. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play an essential role in regulating the diverse behaviors and functions of RNA in live cells, but techniques for the spatiotemporal control of RBP activities and RNA functions are rarely reported yet highly desirable. We recently reported the development of LicV, a synthetic photoswitchable RBP that can bind to a specific RNA sequence in response to blue light irradiation. LicV has been used successfully for the optogenetic control of RNA localization, splicing, translation and stability, as well as for the photoswitchable regulation of transcription and genomic locus labeling. Compared to classical genetic or pharmacologic perturbations, LicV-based light-switchable effectors have the advantages of large dynamic range between dark and light conditions and submicron and millisecond spatiotemporal resolutions. In this protocol, we provide an easy, efficient and generalizable strategy for engineering photoswitchable RBPs for the spatiotemporal control of RNA metabolism. We also provide a detailed protocol for the conversion of a CRISPR-Cas system to optogenetic control. The protocols typically take 2-3 d, including transfection and results analysis. Most of this protocol is applicable to the development of novel LicV-based photoswitchable effectors for the optogenetic control of other RNA metabolisms and CRISPR-Cas functions.

Full-field exposure of larval zebrafish to narrow waveband LED light sources at defined power and energy for optogenetic applications.

blue VVD zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression
J Neurosci Methods, 31 Oct 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2023.110001 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic approaches in transparent zebrafish models have provided numerous insights into vertebrate neurobiology. The purpose of this study was to develop methods to activate light-sensitive transgene products simultaneously throughout an entire larval zebrafish.

Optogenetic Signaling Activation in Zebrafish Embryos.

blue VfAU1-LOV zebrafish in vivo
J Vis Exp, 27 Oct 2023 DOI: 10.3791/65733 Link to full text
Abstract: Signaling pathways orchestrate fundamental biological processes, including development, regeneration, homeostasis, and disease. Methods to experimentally manipulate signaling are required to understand how signaling is interpreted in these wide-ranging contexts. Molecular optogenetic tools can provide reversible, tunable manipulations of signaling pathway activity with a high degree of spatiotemporal control and have been applied in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. These tools couple light-responsive protein domains, such as the blue light homodimerizing light-oxygen-voltage sensing (LOV) domain, with signaling effectors to confer light-dependent experimental control over signaling. This protocol provides practical guidelines for using the LOV-based bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Nodal signaling activators bOpto-BMP and bOpto-Nodal in the optically accessible early zebrafish embryo. It describes two control experiments: A quick phenotype assay to determine appropriate experimental conditions, and an immunofluorescence assay to directly assess signaling. Together, these control experiments can help establish a pipeline for using optogenetic tools in early zebrafish embryos. These strategies provide a powerful platform to investigate the roles of signaling in development, health, and physiology.

Optogenetic manipulation of neuronal and cardiomyocyte functions in zebrafish using microbial rhodopsins and adenylyl cyclases.

blue bPAC (BlaC) OaPAC zebrafish in vivo Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape Immediate control of second messengers
Elife, 17 Aug 2023 DOI: 10.7554/elife.83975 Link to full text
Abstract: Even though microbial photosensitive proteins have been used for optogenetics, their use should be optimized to precisely control cell and tissue functions in vivo. We exploited GtCCR4 and KnChR, cation channelrhodopsins from algae, BeGC1, a guanylyl cyclase rhodopsin from a fungus, and photoactivated adenylyl cyclases (PACs) from cyanobacteria (OaPAC) or bacteria (bPAC), to control cell functions in zebrafish. Optical activation of GtCCR4 and KnChR in the hindbrain reticulospinal V2a neurons, which are involved in locomotion, induced swimming behavior at relatively short latencies, whereas activation of BeGC1 or PACs achieved it at long latencies. Activation of GtCCR4 and KnChR in cardiomyocytes induced cardiac arrest, whereas activation of bPAC gradually induced bradycardia. KnChR activation led to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ in the heart, suggesting that depolarization caused cardiac arrest. These data suggest that these optogenetic tools can be used to reveal the function and regulation of zebrafish neurons and cardiomyocytes.

The Opto-inflammasome in zebrafish as a tool to study cell and tissue responses to speck formation and cell death.

blue CRY2olig zebrafish in vivo Cell death
Elife, 7 Jul 2023 DOI: 10.7554/elife.86373 Link to full text
Abstract: The inflammasome is a conserved structure for the intracellular detection of danger or pathogen signals. As a large intracellular multiprotein signaling platform, it activates downstream effectors that initiate a rapid necrotic programmed cell death (PCD) termed pyroptosis and activation and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines to warn and activate surrounding cells. However, inflammasome activation is difficult to control experimentally on a single-cell level using canonical triggers. We constructed Opto-ASC, a light-responsive form of the inflammasome adaptor protein ASC (Apoptosis-Associated Speck-Like Protein Containing a CARD) which allows tight control of inflammasome formation in vivo. We introduced a cassette of this construct under the control of a heat shock element into zebrafish in which we can now induce ASC inflammasome (speck) formation in individual cells of the skin. We find that cell death resulting from ASC speck formation is morphologically distinct from apoptosis in periderm cells but not in basal cells. ASC-induced PCD can lead to apical or basal extrusion from the periderm. The apical extrusion in periderm cells depends on Caspb and triggers a strong Ca2+ signaling response in nearby cells.

A non-invasive photoactivatable split-Cre recombinase system for genome engineering in zebrafish.

blue Magnets zebrafish in vivo Nucleic acid editing
bioRxiv, 25 Jun 2023 DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.23.546268 Link to full text
Abstract: The cyclic recombinase (Cre)/loxP recombination system is a powerful technique for in vivo cell labeling and tracking. However, achieving high spatiotemporal precision in cell tracking using this system is challenging due to the requirement for reliable tissue-specific promoters. In contrast, light-inducible systems offer superior regional confinement, tunability and non-invasiveness compared to conventional lineage tracing methods. Here, we took advantage of the unique strengths of the zebrafish to develop an easy-to-use highly efficient, genetically encoded, Magnets-based, light-inducible transgenic Cre/loxP system. Our system relies on the reassembly of split Cre fragments driven by the affinity of the Magnets and is controlled by the zebrafish ubiquitin promoter. We demonstrate that our system does not exhibit phototoxicity or leakiness in the dark, and it enables efficient and robust Cre/loxP recombination in various tissues and cell types at different developmental stages through noninvasive illumination with blue light. Our newly developed tool is expected to open novel opportunities for light-controlled tracking of cell fate and migration in vivo.

Rab8, Rab11, and Rab35 coordinate lumen and cilia formation during zebrafish left-right organizer development.

blue CRY2/CIB1 zebrafish in vivo Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape Developmental processes
PLoS Genet, 15 May 2023 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010765 Link to full text
Abstract: An essential process during Danio rerio's left-right organizer (Kupffer's Vesicle, KV) formation is the formation of a motile cilium by developing KV cells which extends into the KV lumen. Beating of motile cilia within the KV lumen directs fluid flow to establish the embryo's left-right axis. However, the timepoint at which KV cells start to form cilia and how cilia formation is coordinated with KV lumen formation have not been examined. We identified that nascent KV cells form cilia at their centrosomes at random intracellular positions that then move towards a forming apical membrane containing cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Using optogenetic clustering approaches, we found that Rab35 positive membranes recruit Rab11 to modulate CFTR delivery to the apical membrane, which is required for lumen opening, and subsequent cilia extension into the lumen. Once the intracellular cilia reach the CFTR positive apical membrane, Arl13b-positive cilia extend and elongate in a Rab8 dependent manner into the forming lumen once the lumen reaches an area of 300 μm2. These studies demonstrate the need to acutely coordinate Rab8, Rab11, and Rab35-mediated membrane trafficking events to ensure appropriate timing in lumen and cilia formation during KV development.

Optogenetic inhibition of Gα signalling alters and regulates circuit functionality and early circuit formation.

blue CRY2/CIB1 C. elegans in vivo D. melanogaster in vivo HEK293A rat dorsal root ganglion NSCs zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control Developmental processes
bioRxiv, 8 May 2023 DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.06.539674 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic techniques provide genetically targeted, spatially and temporally precise approaches to correlate cellular activities and physiological outcomes. In the nervous system, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have essential neuromodulatory functions through binding extracellular ligands to induce intracellular signaling cascades. In this work, we develop and validate a new optogenetic tool that disrupt Gαq signaling through membrane recruitment of a minimal Regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) domain. This approach, Photo-induced Modulation of Gα protein – Inhibition of Gαq (PiGM-Iq), exhibited potent and selective inhibition of Gαq signaling. We alter the behavior of C. elegans and Drosophila with outcomes consistent with GPCR-Gαq disruption. PiGM-Iq also changes axon guidance in culture dorsal root ganglia neurons in response to serotonin. PiGM-Iq activation leads to developmental deficits in zebrafish embryos and larvae resulting in altered neuronal wiring and behavior. By altering the choice of minimal RGS domain, we also show that this approach is amenable to Gαi signaling.

Controlling protein stability with SULI, a highly sensitive tag for stabilization upon light induction.

blue PtAU1-LOV VVD S. cerevisiae zebrafish in vivo Cell cycle control Developmental processes
Nat Commun, 15 Apr 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37830-0 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics tools for precise temporal and spatial control of protein abundance are valuable in studying diverse complex biological processes. In the present study, we engineer a monomeric tag of stabilization upon light induction (SULI) for yeast and zebrafish based on a single light-oxygen-voltage domain from Neurospora crassa. Proteins of interest fused with SULI are stable upon light illumination but are readily degraded after transfer to dark conditions. SULI shows a high dynamic range and a high tolerance to fusion at different positions of the target protein. Further studies reveal that SULI-mediated degradation occurs through a lysine ubiquitination-independent proteasome pathway. We demonstrate the usefulness of SULI in controlling the cell cycle in yeast and regulating protein stability in zebrafish, respectively. Overall, our data indicate that SULI is a simple and robust tool to quantitatively and spatiotemporally modulate protein levels for biotechnological or biomedical applications.

A Single-Component Optogenetic Gal4-UAS System Allows Stringent Control of Gene Expression in Zebrafish and Drosophila.

blue VVD D. melanogaster in vivo HEK293 Schneider 2 zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression
ACS Synth Biol, 9 Mar 2023 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00410 Link to full text
Abstract: The light-regulated Gal4-UAS system has offered new ways to control cellular activities with precise spatial and temporal resolution in zebrafish and Drosophila. However, the existing optogenetic Gal4-UAS systems suffer from having multiple protein components and a dependence on extraneous light-sensitive cofactors, which increase the technical complexity and limit the portability of these systems. To overcome these limitations, we herein describe the development of a novel optogenetic Gal4-UAS system (ltLightOn) for both zebrafish and Drosophila based on a single light-switchable transactivator, termed GAVPOLT, which dimerizes and binds to gene promoters to activate transgene expression upon blue light illumination. The ltLightOn system is independent of exogenous cofactors and exhibits a more than 2400-fold ON/OFF gene expression ratio, allowing quantitative, spatial, and temporal control of gene expression. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the ltLightOn system in regulating zebrafish embryonic development by controlling the expression of lefty1 by light. We believe that this single-component optogenetic system will be immensely useful in understanding the gene function and behavioral circuits in zebrafish and Drosophila.

Rapid and reversible optogenetic silencing of synaptic transmission by clustering of synaptic vesicles.

blue CRY2/CIB1 CRY2olig C. elegans in vivo primary mouse hippocampal neurons zebrafish in vivo Control of vesicular transport Organelle manipulation
Nat Commun, 19 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35324-z Link to full text
Abstract: Acutely silencing specific neurons informs about their functional roles in circuits and behavior. Existing optogenetic silencers include ion pumps, channels, metabotropic receptors, and tools that damage the neurotransmitter release machinery. While the former hyperpolarize the cell, alter ionic gradients or cellular biochemistry, the latter allow only slow recovery, requiring de novo synthesis. Thus, tools combining fast activation and reversibility are needed. Here, we use light-evoked homo-oligomerization of cryptochrome CRY2 to silence synaptic transmission, by clustering synaptic vesicles (SVs). We benchmark this tool, optoSynC, in Caenorhabditis elegans, zebrafish, and murine hippocampal neurons. optoSynC clusters SVs, observable by electron microscopy. Locomotion silencing occurs with tauon ~7.2 s and recovers with tauoff ~6.5 min after light-off. optoSynC can inhibit exocytosis for several hours, at very low light intensities, does not affect ion currents, biochemistry or synaptic proteins, and may further allow manipulating different SV pools and the transfer of SVs between them.

Optogenetic Protein Cleavage in Zebrafish Embryos.

violet PhoCl HEK293T HeLa zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression
Chembiochem, 5 Oct 2022 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202200297 Link to full text
Abstract: A wide array of optogenetic tools is available that allow for precise spatiotemporal control over many cellular processes. These tools have been especially popular among zebrafish researchers who take advantage of the embryo's transparency. However, photocleavable optogenetic proteins have not been utilized in zebrafish. We demonstrate successful optical control of protein cleavage in embryos using PhoCl, a photocleavable fluorescent protein. This optogenetic tool offers temporal and spatial control over protein cleavage events, which we demonstrate in light-triggered protein translocation and apoptosis.

Optogenetic control of YAP cellular localisation and function.

blue AsLOV2 HEK293T HFF-1 MKN28 zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control
EMBO Rep, 25 Jul 2022 DOI: 10.15252/embr.202154401 Link to full text
Abstract: YAP, an effector of the Hippo signalling pathway, promotes organ growth and regeneration. Prolonged YAP activation results in uncontrolled proliferation and cancer. Therefore, exogenous regulation of YAP activity has potential translational applications. We present a versatile optogenetic construct (optoYAP) for manipulating YAP localisation, and consequently its activity and function. We attach a LOV2 domain that photocages a nuclear localisation signal (NLS) to the N-terminus of YAP. In 488 nm light, the LOV2 domain unfolds, exposing the NLS, which shuttles optoYAP into the nucleus. Nuclear import of optoYAP is reversible and tuneable by light intensity. In cell culture, activated optoYAP promotes YAP target gene expression and cell proliferation. Similarly, optofYap can be used in zebrafish embryos to modulate target genes. We demonstrate that optoYAP can override a cell's response to substrate stiffness to generate anchorage-independent growth. OptoYAP is functional in both cell culture and in vivo, providing a powerful tool to address basic research questions and therapeutic applications in regeneration and disease.

GPCR-dependent spatiotemporal cAMP generation confers functional specificity in cardiomyocytes and cardiac responses.

blue bPAC (BlaC) HEK293 HeLa mouse cardiomyocytes zebrafish in vivo Immediate control of second messengers
bioRxiv, 13 Jul 2022 DOI: 10.1101/2022.07.13.499965 Link to full text
Abstract: Cells interpret a variety of signals through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and stimulate the generation of second messengers such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). A long-standing puzzle is deciphering how GPCRs elicit different responses, despite generating similar levels of cAMP. We previously showed that GPCRs generate cAMP from both the plasma membrane and the Golgi apparatus. Here, we demonstrate that cardiomyocytes distinguish between subcellular cAMP inputs to cue different outputs. We show that generating cAMP from the Golgi by an optogenetic approach or activated GPCR leads to regulation of a specific PKA target that increases rate of cardiomyocyte relaxation. In contrast, cAMP generation from the plasma membrane activates a different PKA target that increases contractile force. We validated the physiological consequences of these observations in intact zebrafish and mice. Thus, the same GPCR regulates distinct molecular and physiological pathways depending on its subcellular location despite generating cAMP in each case.

Optogenetic activators of apoptosis, necroptosis, and pyroptosis.

blue CRY2olig Caco-2 HaCaT HEK293T HeLa HT-29 MCF7 RAW264.7 U-937 zebrafish in vivo Cell death
J Cell Biol, 14 Apr 2022 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202109038 Link to full text
Abstract: Targeted and specific induction of cell death in an individual or groups of cells hold the potential for new insights into the response of tissues or organisms to different forms of death. Here, we report the development of optogenetically controlled cell death effectors (optoCDEs), a novel class of optogenetic tools that enables light-mediated induction of three types of programmed cell death (PCD)—apoptosis, pyroptosis, and necroptosis—using Arabidopsis thaliana photosensitive protein Cryptochrome-2. OptoCDEs enable a rapid and highly specific induction of PCD in human, mouse, and zebrafish cells and are suitable for a wide range of applications, such as sub-lethal cell death induction or precise elimination of single cells or cell populations in vitro and in vivo. As the proof-of-concept, we utilize optoCDEs to assess the differences in neighboring cell responses to apoptotic or necrotic PCD, revealing a new role for shingosine-1-phosphate signaling in regulating the efferocytosis of the apoptotic cell by epithelia.

Innervation modulates the functional connectivity between pancreatic endocrine cells.

blue miniSOG zebrafish in vivo Neuronal activity control
Elife, 4 Apr 2022 DOI: 10.7554/elife.64526 Link to full text
Abstract: The importance of pancreatic endocrine cell activity modulation by autonomic innervation has been debated. To investigate this question, we established an in vivo imaging model that also allows chronic and acute neuromodulation with genetic and optogenetic tools. Using the GCaMP6s biosensor together with endocrine cell fluorescent reporters, we imaged calcium dynamics simultaneously in multiple pancreatic islet cell types in live animals in control states and upon changes in innervation. We find that by 4 days post fertilization in zebrafish, a stage when islet architecture is reminiscent of that in adult rodents, prominent activity coupling between beta cells is present in basal glucose conditions. Furthermore, we show that both chronic and acute loss of nerve activity result in diminished beta-beta and alpha-beta activity coupling. Pancreatic nerves are in contact with all islet cell types, but predominantly with beta and delta cells. Surprisingly, a subset of delta cells with detectable peri-islet neural activity coupling had significantly higher homotypic coupling with other delta cells suggesting that some delta cells receive innervation that coordinates their output. Overall, these data show that innervation plays a vital role in the maintenance of homotypic and heterotypic cellular connectivity in pancreatic islets, a process critical for islet function.

Optogenetic Phase Transition of TDP-43 in Spinal Motor Neurons of Zebrafish Larvae.

blue CRY2olig zebrafish in vivo
J Vis Exp, 25 Feb 2022 DOI: 10.3791/62932 Link to full text
Abstract: Abnormal protein aggregation and selective neuronal vulnerability are two major hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases. Causal relationships between these features may be interrogated by controlling the phase transition of a disease-associated protein in a vulnerable cell type, although this experimental approach has been limited so far. Here, we describe a protocol to induce phase transition of the RNA/DNA-binding protein TDP-43 in spinal motor neurons of zebrafish larvae for modeling cytoplasmic aggregation of TDP-43 occurring in degenerating motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We describe a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based genetic method to deliver an optogenetic TDP-43 variant selectively to spinal motor neurons of zebrafish. The high translucency of zebrafish larvae allows for the phase transition of the optogenetic TDP-43 in the spinal motor neurons by a simple external illumination using a light-emitting diode (LED) against unrestrained fish. We also present a basic workflow of live imaging of the zebrafish spinal motor neurons and image analysis with freely available Fiji/ImageJ software to characterize responses of the optogenetic TDP-43 to the light illumination. This protocol enables the characterization of TDP-43 phase transition and aggregate formation in an ALS-vulnerable cellular environment, which should facilitate an investigation of its cellular and behavioral consequences.

Temperature-responsive optogenetic probes of cell signaling.

blue BcLOV4 CRY2/CRY2 iLID HEK293T NIH/3T3 Schneider 2 zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control
Nat Chem Biol, 22 Dec 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41589-021-00917-0 Link to full text
Abstract: We describe single-component optogenetic probes whose activation dynamics depend on both light and temperature. We used the BcLOV4 photoreceptor to stimulate Ras and phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase signaling in mammalian cells, allowing activation over a large dynamic range with low basal levels. Surprisingly, we found that BcLOV4 membrane translocation dynamics could be tuned by both light and temperature such that membrane localization spontaneously decayed at elevated temperatures despite constant illumination. Quantitative modeling predicted BcLOV4 activation dynamics across a range of light and temperature inputs and thus provides an experimental roadmap for BcLOV4-based probes. BcLOV4 drove strong and stable signal activation in both zebrafish and fly cells, and thermal inactivation provided a means to multiplex distinct blue-light sensitive tools in individual mammalian cells. BcLOV4 is thus a versatile photosensor with unique light and temperature sensitivity that enables straightforward generation of broadly applicable optogenetic tools.
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