Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Showing 1 - 25 of 412 results

Genetic code expansion, click chemistry, and light-activated PI3K reveal details of membrane protein trafficking downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases.

red PhyB/PIF6 F-11 HEK293T/17 NIH/3T3 Signaling cascade control
Elife, 20 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.7554/elife.91012.3 Link to full text
Abstract: Ligands such as insulin, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and nerve growth factor (NGF) initiate signals at the cell membrane by binding to receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Along with G-protein-coupled receptors, RTKs are the main platforms for transducing extracellular signals into intracellular signals. Studying RTK signaling has been a challenge, however, due to the multiple signaling pathways to which RTKs typically are coupled, including MAP/ERK, PLCγ, and Class 1A phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K). The multi-pronged RTK signaling has been a barrier to isolating the effects of any one downstream pathway. Here, we used optogenetic activation of PI3K to decouple its activation from other RTK signaling pathways. In this context, we used genetic code expansion to introduce a click chemistry noncanonical amino acid into the extracellular side of membrane proteins. Applying a cell-impermeant click chemistry fluorophore allowed us to visualize delivery of membrane proteins to the plasma membrane in real time. Using these approaches, we demonstrate that activation of PI3K, without activating other pathways downstream of RTK signaling, is sufficient to traffic the TRPV1 ion channels and insulin receptors to the plasma membrane.

Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by light.

blue red DrBphP PAL E. coli Transgene expression Multichromatic
Nucleic Acids Res, 10 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkae678 Link to full text
Abstract: Vital organismal processes, including development, differentiation and adaptation, involve altered gene expression. Although expression is frequently controlled at the transcriptional stage, various regulation mechanisms operate at downstream levels. Here, we leverage the photoreceptor NmPAL to optogenetically induce RNA refolding and the translation of bacterial mRNAs. Blue-light-triggered NmPAL binding disrupts a cis-repressed mRNA state, thereby relieves obstruction of translation initiation, and upregulates gene expression. Iterative probing and optimization of the circuit, dubbed riboptoregulator, enhanced induction to 30-fold. Given action at the mRNA level, the riboptoregulator can differentially regulate individual structural genes within polycistronic operons. Moreover, it is orthogonal to and can be wed with other gene-regulatory circuits for nuanced and more stringent gene-expression control. We thus advance the pAurora2 circuit that combines transcriptional and translational mechanisms to optogenetically increase bacterial gene expression by >1000-fold. The riboptoregulator strategy stands to upgrade numerous regulatory circuits and widely applies to expression control in microbial biotechnology, synthetic biology and materials science.

Optogenetics in pancreatic islets: Actuators and effects.

blue green near-infrared red BLUF domains Cobalamin-binding domains Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Diabetes, 8 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.2337/db23-1022 Link to full text
Abstract: The Islets of Langerhans reside within the endocrine pancreas as highly vascularised micro-organs that are responsible for the secretion of key hormones, such as insulin and glucagon. Islet function relies on a range of dynamic molecular processes that include calcium (Ca2+) waves, hormone pulses, and complex interactions between islet cell types. Dysfunction of these processes results in poor maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis and is a hallmark of diabetes. Very recently, the development of optogenetic methods that rely on light-sensitive molecular actuators has allowed perturbing islet function with near physiological spatio-temporal acuity. These actuators harness natural photoreceptor proteins and their engineered variants to manipulate mouse and human cells that are not normally light-responsive. Until recently, optogenetics in islet biology has primarily focused on hormone production and secretion; however, studies on further aspects of islet function, including paracrine regulation between islet cell types and dynamics within intracellular signaling pathways are emerging. Here, we discuss the applicability of optogenetics to islets cells and comprehensively review seminal as well as recent work on optogenetic actuators and their effects in islet function and diabetes mellitus (DM).

Leveraging the histidine kinase-phosphatase duality to sculpt two-component signaling.

blue red DmBphP DrBphP PAL E. coli Transgene expression Multichromatic
Nat Commun, 10 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49251-8 Link to full text
Abstract: Bacteria must constantly probe their environment for rapid adaptation, a crucial need most frequently served by two-component systems (TCS). As one component, sensor histidine kinases (SHK) control the phosphorylation of the second component, the response regulator (RR). Downstream responses hinge on RR phosphorylation and can be highly stringent, acute, and sensitive because SHKs commonly exert both kinase and phosphatase activity. With a bacteriophytochrome TCS as a paradigm, we here interrogate how this catalytic duality underlies signal responses. Derivative systems exhibit tenfold higher red-light sensitivity, owing to an altered kinase-phosphatase balance. Modifications of the linker intervening the SHK sensor and catalytic entities likewise tilt this balance and provide TCSs with inverted output that increases under red light. These TCSs expand synthetic biology and showcase how deliberate perturbations of the kinase-phosphatase duality unlock altered signal-response regimes. Arguably, these aspects equally pertain to the engineering and the natural evolution of TCSs.

Exploring plant-derived phytochrome chaperone proteins for light-switchable transcriptional regulation in mammals.

blue red CRY2/CIB1 PhyA/FHL PhyA/FHY1 HEK293T mouse in vivo Transgene expression Nucleic acid editing Multichromatic
Nat Commun, 8 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49254-5 Link to full text
Abstract: Synthetic biology applications require finely tuned gene expression, often mediated by synthetic transcription factors (sTFs) compatible with the human genome and transcriptional regulation mechanisms. While various DNA-binding and activation domains have been developed for different applications, advanced artificially controllable sTFs with improved regulatory capabilities are required for increasingly sophisticated applications. Here, in mammalian cells and mice, we validate the transactivator function and homo-/heterodimerization activity of the plant-derived phytochrome chaperone proteins, FHY1 and FHL. Our results demonstrate that FHY1/FHL form a photosensing transcriptional regulation complex (PTRC) through interaction with the phytochrome, ΔPhyA, that can toggle between active and inactive states through exposure to red or far-red light, respectively. Exploiting this capability, we develop a light-switchable platform that allows for orthogonal, modular, and tunable control of gene transcription, and incorporate it into a PTRC-controlled CRISPRa system (PTRCdcas) to modulate endogenous gene expression. We then integrate the PTRC with small molecule- or blue light-inducible regulatory modules to construct a variety of highly tunable systems that allow rapid and reversible control of transcriptional regulation in vitro and in vivo. Validation and deployment of these plant-derived phytochrome chaperone proteins in a PTRC platform have produced a versatile, powerful tool for advanced research and biomedical engineering applications.

Optogenetic therapeutic strategies for diabetes mellitus.

blue cyan green red BLUF domains Cobalamin-binding domains Cryptochromes Fluorescent proteins LOV domains Phytochromes Review
J Diabetes, Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1111/1753-0407.13557 Link to full text
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common chronic disease affecting humans globally. It is characterized by abnormally elevated blood glucose levels due to the failure of insulin production or reduction of insulin sensitivity and functionality. Insulin and glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 replenishment or improvement of insulin resistance are the two major strategies to treat diabetes. Recently, optogenetics that uses genetically encoded light-sensitive proteins to precisely control cell functions has been regarded as a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetes. Here, we summarize the latest development of optogenetics and its integration with synthetic biology approaches to produce light-responsive cells for insulin/GLP-1 production, amelioration of insulin resistance and neuromodulation of insulin secretion. In addition, we introduce the development of cell encapsulation and delivery methods and smart bioelectronic devices for the in vivo application of optogenetics-based cell therapy in diabetes. The remaining challenges for optogenetics-based cell therapy in the clinical translational study are also discussed.

Red light responsive Cre recombinase for bacterial optogenetics.

blue red PhyA/FHY1 VVD E. coli Nucleic acid editing Multichromatic
bioRxiv, 31 May 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.30.596707 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic tools have been used in a wide range of microbial engineering applications that benefit from the tunable, spatiotemporal control that light affords. However, the majority of current optogenetic constructs for bacteria respond to blue light, limiting the potential for multichromatic control. In addition, other wavelengths offer potential benefits over blue light, including improved penetration of dense cultures and reduced potential for toxicity. In this study, we introduce OptoCre-REDMAP, a red light inducible Cre recombinase system in Escherichia coli. This system harnesses the plant photoreceptors PhyA and FHY1 and a split version of Cre recombinase to achieve precise control over gene expression and DNA excision in bacteria. We optimized the design by modifying the start codon of Cre and characterized the impact of different levels of induction to find conditions that produced minimal basal expression in the dark and full activation within four hours of red light exposure. We characterized the system’s sensitivity to ambient light, red light intensity, and exposure time, finding OptoCre-REDMAP to be reliable and flexible across a range of conditions. The system exhibits robust light-sensitive behavior, responding to red light while remaining inactive under blue light, making it suitable for future applications in synthetic biology that require multichromatic control.

Nano-optogenetics for Disease Therapies.

blue cyan green near-infrared red UV Cobalamin-binding domains Cryptochromes Fluorescent proteins LOV domains Phytochromes UV receptors Review
ACS Nano, 20 May 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c00698 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic, known as the method of 21 centuries, combines optic and genetic engineering to precisely control photosensitive proteins for manipulation of a broad range of cellular functions, such as flux of ions, protein oligomerization and dissociation, cellular intercommunication, and so on. In this technique, light is conventionally delivered to targeted cells through optical fibers or micro light-emitting diodes, always suffering from high invasiveness, wide-field illumination facula, strong absorption, and scattering by nontargeted endogenous substance. Light-transducing nanomaterials with advantages of high spatiotemporal resolution, abundant wireless-excitation manners, and easy functionalization for recognition of specific cells, recently have been widely explored in the field of optogenetics; however, there remain a few challenges to restrain its clinical applications. This review summarized recent progress on light-responsive genetically encoded proteins and the myriad of activation strategies by use of light-transducing nanomaterials and their disease-treatment applications, which is expected for sparking helpful thought to push forward its preclinical and translational uses.

Cryo-EM structures of a bathy phytochrome histidine kinase reveal a unique light-dependent activation mechanism.

red Phytochromes Background
bioRxiv, 17 May 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.17.594632 Link to full text
Abstract: Phytochromes are photoreceptor proteins in plants, fungi and bacteria. They can adopt two structurally distinct photochromic states with differential biochemical responses. The structural changes transducing the signal from the light-sensing chromophore to the biochemical output modules are poorly understood due to challenges in capturing structures of the dynamic, full-length protein. Here, we present the first cryo-electron microscopy structures of the full-length phytochrome from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PaBphP) in its resting Pfr and photoactivated Pr state. The kinase-active Pr state has an asymmetric, dimeric structure, whereas the kinase-inactive Pfr state opens up at the kinase domains. This behaviour is different from other known phytochromes and we explain it with the unusually short connection between the photosensory and output modules. Multiple sequence alignment of this region suggests that it is evolutionarily optimised for different modes of signal transduction in sensor proteins. The results establish a new mechanism for light-sensing by phytochrome histidine kinases and provide input for the design of optogenetic phytochrome variants.

Ultrafast Primary Dynamics and Isomerization Mechanism of a Far-Red Sensing Cyanobacteriochrome.

red Phytochromes Background
J Phys Chem Lett, 8 May 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00468 Link to full text
Abstract: Far-red cyanobacteriochromes (CBCRs) are bilin-based photosensory proteins that promise to be novel optical agents in optogenetics and deep tissue imaging. Recent structural studies of a far-red CBCR 2551g3 have revealed a unique all-Z,syn chromophore conformation in the far-red-absorbing Pfr state. Understanding the photoswitching mechanism through bilin photoisomerization is important for developing novel biomedical applications. Here, we employ femtosecond spectroscopy and site-directed mutagenesis to systematically characterize the dynamics of wild-type 2551g3 and four critical mutants in the 15Z Pfr state. We captured local relaxations in several picoseconds and isomerization dynamics in hundreds of picoseconds. Most mutants exhibited faster local relaxation, while their twisting dynamics and photoproducts depend on specific protein-chromophore interactions around the D-ring and C-ring. These results collectively reveal a unique dynamic pattern of excited-state evolution arising from a relatively rigid protein environment, thereby elucidating the molecular mechanism of Pfr-state photoisomerization in far-red CBCRs.

Red-Light-Induced Genetic System for Control of Extracellular Electron Transfer.

blue red iLight YtvA E. coli Transgene expression Endogenous gene expression Multichromatic
ACS Synth Biol, 2 May 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.3c00684 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics is a powerful tool for spatiotemporal control of gene expression. Several light-inducible gene regulators have been developed to function in bacteria, and these regulatory circuits have been ported to new host strains. Here, we developed and adapted a red-light-inducible transcription factor for Shewanella oneidensis. This regulatory circuit is based on the iLight optogenetic system, which controls gene expression using red light. A thermodynamic model and promoter engineering were used to adapt this system to achieve differential gene expression in light and dark conditions within a S. oneidensis host strain. We further improved the iLight optogenetic system by adding a repressor to invert the genetic circuit and activate gene expression under red light illumination. The inverted iLight genetic circuit was used to control extracellular electron transfer within S. oneidensis. The ability to use both red- and blue-light-induced optogenetic circuits simultaneously was also demonstrated. Our work expands the synthetic biology capabilities in S. oneidensis, which could facilitate future advances in applications with electrogenic bacteria.

An Optimized Genotyping Workflow for Identifying Highly SCRaMbLEd Synthetic Yeasts.

red PhyB/PIF3 S. cerevisiae Nucleic acid editing
ACS Synth Biol, 10 Apr 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.3c00476 Link to full text
Abstract: Synthetic Sc2.0 yeast strains contain hundreds to thousands of loxPsym recombination sites that allow restructuring of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome by SCRaMbLE. Thus, a highly diverse yeast population can arise from a single genotype. The selection of genetically diverse candidates with rearranged synthetic chromosomes for downstream analysis requires an efficient and straightforward workflow. Here we present loxTags, a set of qPCR primers for genotyping across loxPsym sites to detect not only deletions but also inversions and translocations after SCRaMbLE. To cope with the large number of amplicons, we generated qTagGer, a qPCR genotyping primer prediction tool. Using loxTag-based genotyping and long-read sequencing, we show that light-inducible Cre recombinase L-SCRaMbLE can efficiently generate diverse recombination events when applied to Sc2.0 strains containing a linear or a circular version of synthetic chromosome III.

Antidiabetic Close Loop Based on Wearable DNA-Hydrogel Glucometer and Implantable Optogenetic Cells.

red BphS HEK293 mouse in vivo Transgene expression
JACS Au, 6 Apr 2024 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.4c00033 Link to full text
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus and its associated secondary complications have become a pressing global healthcare issue. The current integrated theranostic plan involves a glucometer-tandem pump. However, external condition-responsive insulin delivery systems utilizing rigid glucose sensors pose challenges in on-demand, long-term insulin administration. To overcome these challenges, we present a novel model of antidiabetic management based on printable metallo-nucleotide hydrogels and optogenetic engineering. The conductive hydrogels were self-assembled by bioorthogonal chemistry using oligonucleotides, carbon nanotubes, and glucose oxidase, enabling continuous glucose monitoring in a broad range (0.5-40 mM). The optogenetically engineered cells were enabled glucose regulation in type I diabetic mice via a far-red light-induced transgenic expression of insulin with a month-long avidity. Combining with a microchip-integrated microneedle patch, a prototyped close-loop system was constructed. The glucose levels detected by the sensor were received and converted by a wireless controller to modulate far-infrared light, thereby achieving on-demand insulin expression for several weeks. This study sheds new light on developing next-generation diagnostic and therapy systems for personalized and digitalized precision medicine.

Lighting the way: recent developments and applications in molecular optogenetics.

blue green red Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Curr Opin Biotechnol, 29 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2024.103126 Link to full text
Abstract: Molecular optogenetics utilizes genetically encoded, light-responsive protein switches to control the function of molecular processes. Over the last two years, there have been notable advances in the development of novel optogenetic switches, their utilization in elucidating intricate signaling pathways, and their progress toward practical applications in biotechnological processes, material sciences, and therapeutic applications. In this review, we discuss these areas, offer insights into recent developments, and contemplate future directions.

Optical Control over Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation.

blue red BLUF domains Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Small Methods, 26 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202301724 Link to full text
Abstract: Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is responsible for the emergence of intracellular membrane-less organelles and the development of coacervate protocells. Benefitting from the advantages of simplicity, precision, programmability, and noninvasiveness, light has become an effective tool to regulate the assembly dynamics of LLPS, and mediate various biochemical processes associated with LLPS. In this review, recent advances in optically controlling membrane-less organelles within living organisms are summarized, thereby modulating a series of biological processes including irreversible protein aggregation pathologies, transcription activation, metabolic flux, genomic rearrangements, and enzymatic reactions. Among these, the intracellular systems (i.e., optoDroplet, Corelet, PixELL, CasDrop, and other optogenetic systems) that enable the photo-mediated control over biomolecular condensation are highlighted. The design of photoactive complex coacervate protocells in laboratory settings by utilizing photochromic molecules such as azobenzene and diarylethene is further discussed. This review is expected to provide in-depth insights into phase separation-associated biochemical processes, bio-metabolism, and diseases.

Dynamics-driven allosteric stimulation of diguanylate cyclase activity in a red light-regulated phytochrome.

red Phytochromes Background
J Biol Chem, 24 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107217 Link to full text
Abstract: Sensor-effector proteins integrate information from different stimuli and transform this into cellular responses. Some sensory domains, like red-light responsive bacteriophytochromes, show remarkable modularity regulating a variety of effectors. One effector domain is the GGDEF diguanylate cyclase catalyzing the formation of the bacterial second messenger cyclic-dimeric-guanosine monophosphate. While critical signal integration elements have been described for different phytochromes, a generalized understanding of signal processing and communication over large distances, roughly 100 Å in phytochrome diguanylate cyclases, is missing. Here we show that dynamics-driven allostery is key to understanding signal integration on a molecular level. We generated protein variants stabilized in their far-red-absorbing Pfr state and demonstrated by analysis of conformational dynamics using hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry that single amino acid replacements are accompanied by altered dynamics of functional elements throughout the protein. We show that the conformational dynamics correlate with the enzymatic activity of these variants, explaining also the increased activity of a non-photochromic variant. In addition, we demonstrate the functional importance of mixed Pfr/intermediate state dimers using a fast-reverting variant that still enables wild-type-like fold-changes of enzymatic stimulation by red light. This supports the functional role of single protomer activation in phytochromes, a property that might correlate with the non-canonical mixed Pfr/intermediate-state spectra observed for many phytochrome systems. We anticipate our results to stimulate research in the direction of dynamics-driven allosteric regulation of different bacteriophytochrome-based sensor-effectors. This will eventually impact design strategies for the creation of novel sensor-effector systems for enriching the optogenetic toolbox.

Opticool: Cutting-edge transgenic optical tools.

blue green near-infrared red UV violet iLID BLUF domains Cryptochromes Fluorescent proteins LOV domains Phytochromes UV receptors Review
PLoS Genet, 22 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011208 Link to full text
Abstract: Only a few short decades have passed since the sequencing of GFP, yet the modern repertoire of transgenically encoded optical tools implies an exponential proliferation of ever improving constructions to interrogate the subcellular environment. A myriad of tags for labeling proteins, RNA, or DNA have arisen in the last few decades, facilitating unprecedented visualization of subcellular components and processes. Development of a broad array of modern genetically encoded sensors allows real-time, in vivo detection of molecule levels, pH, forces, enzyme activity, and other subcellular and extracellular phenomena in ever expanding contexts. Optogenetic, genetically encoded optically controlled manipulation systems have gained traction in the biological research community and facilitate single-cell, real-time modulation of protein function in vivo in ever broadening, novel applications. While this field continues to explosively expand, references are needed to assist scientists seeking to use and improve these transgenic devices in new and exciting ways to interrogate development and disease. In this review, we endeavor to highlight the state and trajectory of the field of in vivo transgenic optical tools.

Synthetic Biology Meets Ca2+ Release-Activated Ca2+ Channel-Dependent Immunomodulation.

blue red iLID Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Cells, 7 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.3390/cells13060468 Link to full text
Abstract: Many essential biological processes are triggered by the proximity of molecules. Meanwhile, diverse approaches in synthetic biology, such as new biological parts or engineered cells, have opened up avenues to precisely control the proximity of molecules and eventually downstream signaling processes. This also applies to a main Ca2+ entry pathway into the cell, the so-called Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel. CRAC channels are among other channels are essential in the immune response and are activated by receptor-ligand binding at the cell membrane. The latter initiates a signaling cascade within the cell, which finally triggers the coupling of the two key molecular components of the CRAC channel, namely the stromal interaction molecule, STIM, in the ER membrane and the plasma membrane Ca2+ ion channel, Orai. Ca2+ entry, established via STIM/Orai coupling, is essential for various immune cell functions, including cytokine release, proliferation, and cytotoxicity. In this review, we summarize the tools of synthetic biology that have been used so far to achieve precise control over the CRAC channel pathway and thus over downstream signaling events related to the immune response.

Light-directed evolution of dynamic, multi-state, and computational protein functionalities.

blue red EL222 PhyB/PIF3 S. cerevisiae Cell cycle control Transgene expression
bioRxiv, 2 Mar 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.28.582517 Link to full text
Abstract: Directed evolution is a powerful method in biological engineering. Current approaches were devised for evolving steady-state properties such as enzymatic activity or fluorescence intensity. A fundamental problem remains how to evolve dynamic, multi-state, or computational functionalities, e.g., folding times, on-off kinetics, state-specific activity, stimulus-responsiveness, or switching and logic capabilities. These require applying selection pressure on all of the states of a protein of interest (POI) and the transitions between them. We realized that optogenetics and cell cycle oscillations could be leveraged for a novel directed evolution paradigm (‘optovolution’) that is germane for this need: We designed a signaling cascade in budding yeast where optogenetic input switches the POI between off (0) and on (1) states. In turn, the POI controls a Cdk1 cyclin, which in the re-engineered cell cycle system is essential for one cell cycle stage but poisonous for another. Thus, the cyclin must oscillate (1-0-1-0…) for cell proliferation. In this system, evolution can act efficiently on the dynamics, transient states, and input-output relations of the POI in every cell cycle. Further, controlling the pacemaker, light, directs and tunes selection pressures. Optovolution is in vivo, continuous, self-selecting, and genetically robust. We first evolved two optogenetic systems, which relay 0/1 input to 0/1 output: We obtained 25 new variants of the widely used LOV transcription factor El222. These mutants were stronger, less leaky, or green- and red-responsive. The latter was conjectured to be impossible for LOV domains but is needed for multiplexing and lowering phototoxicity. Evolving the PhyB-Pif3 optogenetic system, we discovered that loss of YOR1 makes supplementing the expensive and unstable chromophore phycocyanobilin (PCB) unnecessary. Finally, we demonstrate the generality of the method by creating and evolving a destabilized rtTA transcription factor, which performs an AND operation between transcriptional and doxycycline input. Optovolution makes coveted, difficult-to-change protein functionalities evolvable.

Light-Guided Rabies Virus Tracing for Neural Circuit Analysis.

red PhyB/PIF3 rat cortical neurons Transgene expression
bioRxiv, 23 Feb 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2023.03.04.531104 Link to full text
Abstract: Neuronal tracing methods are essential tools to understand the fundamental architecture of neural circuits and their connection to the overall functional behavior of the brain. Viral vectors used to map these transsynaptic connections are capable of cell-type-specific and directional-specific labeling of the neuronal connections. Herein, we describe a novel approach to guide the transsynaptic spreading of the Rabies Virus (RV) retrograde tracer using light. We built a Baculovirus (BV) as a helper virus to deliver all the functional components necessary and sufficient for a nontoxic RV to spread from neuron to neuron, with a light-actuated gene switch to control the RV polymerase, the L gene. This design should allow for precisely controlled polysynaptic viral tracing with minimal viral toxicity. To use this system in a highly scalable and automated manner, we built optoelectronics for controlling this system in vitro with a large field of view using an off-the-shelf CMOS sensor, OLED display panel, and microcontrollers. We describe the assembly of these genetic circuits using the uLoop DNA assembly method and a library of genetic parts designed for the uLoop system. Combining these tools provides a framework for increasing the capabilities of nontoxic tracing through multiple synapses and increasing the throughput of neural tracing using viruses.

OptoREACT: Optogenetic Receptor Activation on Nonengineered Human T Cells.

red PhyB/PIF6 HEK293T human T cells Jurkat Signaling cascade control Extracellular optogenetics
ACS Synth Biol, 9 Feb 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.3c00518 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics is a versatile and powerful tool for the control and analysis of cellular signaling processes. The activation of cellular receptors by light using optogenetic switches usually requires genetic manipulation of cells. However, this considerably limits the application in primary, nonengineered cells, which is crucial for the study of physiological signaling processes and for controlling cell fate and function for therapeutic purposes. To overcome this limitation, we developed a system for the light-dependent extracellular activation of cell surface receptors of nonengineered cells termed OptoREACT (Optogenetic Receptor Activation) based on the light-dependent protein interaction of A. thaliana phytochrome B (PhyB) with PIF6. In the OptoREACT system, a PIF6-coupled antibody fragment binds the T cell receptor (TCR) of Jurkat or primary human T cells, which upon illumination is bound by clustered phytochrome B to induce receptor oligomerization and activation. For clustering of PhyB, we either used tetramerization by streptavidin or immobilized PhyB on the surface of cells to emulate the interaction of a T cell with an antigen-presenting cell. We anticipate that this extracellular optogenetic approach will be applicable for the light-controlled activation of further cell surface receptors in primary, nonengineered cells for versatile applications in fundamental and applied research.

Epstein-Barr Virus Promotes Tumorigenicity and Worsens Hodgkin Lymphoma Prognosis by Activating JAK/STAT and NF-κB Signaling Pathways.

blue red DmPAC PAL E. coli Transgene expression Multichromatic
Iran J Med Sci, 1 Feb 2024 DOI: 10.21203/ Link to full text
Abstract: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in 40% of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). During latency, EBV induces epigenetic alterations to the host genome and decreases the expression of pro-apoptotic proteins. The present study aimed to evaluate the expression levels of mRNA molecules and the end product of proteins for the JAK/STAT and NF-κB pathways, and their association with clinicopathological and prognostic parameters in patients with EBV-positive and -negative classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL).

Crucial Residue for Tuning Thermal Relaxation Kinetics in the Biliverdin-binding Cyanobacteriochrome Photoreceptor Revealed by Site-saturation Mutagenesis.

red Phytochromes Background
J Mol Biol, 19 Jan 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168451 Link to full text
Abstract: Cyanobacteriochromes (CBCRs) are cyanobacterial photoreceptors distantly related to the phytochromes sensing red and far-red light reversibly. Only the cGMP phosphodiesterase/Adenylate cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain is needed for chromophore incorporation and proper photoconversion. The CBCR GAF domains covalently ligate linear tetrapyrrole chromophores and show reversible photoconversion between two light-absorbing states. In most cases, the two light-absorbing states are stable under dark conditions, but in some cases, the photoproduct state undergoes thermal relaxation back to the dark-adapted state during thermal relaxation. In this study, we examined the engineered CBCR GAF domain, AnPixJg2_BV4. AnPixJg2_BV4 covalently binds biliverdin IX-alpha (BV) and shows reversible photoconversion between a far-red-absorbing Pfr dark-adapted state and an orange-absorbing Po photoproduct state. Because the BV is an intrinsic chromophore of mammalian cells and absorbs far-red light penetrating into deep tissues, BV-binding CBCR molecules are useful for the development of optogenetic and bioimaging tools used in mammals. To obtain a better developmental platform molecule, we performed site-saturation random mutagenesis on the Phe319 position. We succeeded in obtaining variant molecules with higher chromophore-binding efficiency and higher molar extinction coefficient. Furthermore, we observed a wide variation in thermal relaxation kinetics, with an 81-fold difference between the slowest and fastest rates. Both molecules with relatively slow and fast thermal relaxation would be advantageous for optogenetic control.

Multimodal Control of Bacterial Gene Expression by Red and Blue Light.

blue red DrBphP PAL E. coli Multichromatic
Methods Mol Biol, 2024 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3658-9_26 Link to full text
Abstract: By applying sensory photoreceptors, optogenetics realizes the light-dependent control of cellular events and state. Given reversibility, noninvasiveness, and exquisite spatiotemporal precision, optogenetic approaches enable innovative use cases in cell biology, synthetic biology, and biotechnology. In this chapter, we detail the implementation of the pREDusk, pREDawn, pCrepusculo, and pAurora optogenetic circuits for controlling bacterial gene expression by red and blue light, respectively. The protocols provided here guide the practical use and multiplexing of these circuits, thereby enabling graded protein production in bacteria at analytical and semi-preparative scales.

A red light-induced genetic system for control of extracellular electron transfer.

blue red iLight YtvA E. coli Transgene expression Multichromatic
bioRxiv, 2 Dec 2023 DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.02.569691 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics is a powerful tool for spatiotemporal control of gene expression. Several light-inducible gene regulators have been developed to function in bacteria, and these regulatory circuits have been ported into new host strains. Here, we developed and adapted a red light-inducible transcription factor for Shewanella oneidensis. This regulatory circuit is based on the iLight optogenetic system, which controls gene expression using red light. Promoter engineering and a thermodynamic model were used to adapt this system to achieve differential gene expression in light and dark conditions within a S. oneidensis host strain. We further improved the iLight optogenetic system by adding a repressor to invert the genetic circuit and activate gene expression under red light illumination. The inverted iLight genetic circuit was used to control extracellular electron transfer (EET) within S. oneidensis. The ability to use both red and blue light-induced optogenetic circuits simultaneously was demonstrated. Our work expands the synthetic biology toolbox of Shewanella, which could facilitate future advances in applications with electrogenic bacteria.
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