Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Showing 1 - 25 of 1498 results

Optogenetic control of kinesin-1, -2, -3 and dynein reveals their specific roles in vesicular transport.

blue LOVTRAP U-2 OS Control of vesicular transport
Cell Rep, 18 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114649 Link to full text
Abstract: Each cargo in a cell employs a unique set of motor proteins for its transport. To dissect the roles of each type of motor, we developed optogenetic inhibitors of endogenous kinesin-1, -2, -3 and dynein motors and examined their effect on the transport of early endosomes, late endosomes, and lysosomes. While kinesin-1, -3, and dynein transport vesicles at all stages of endocytosis, kinesin-2 primarily drives late endosomes and lysosomes. Transient optogenetic inhibition of kinesin-1 or dynein causes both early and late endosomes to move more processively by relieving competition with opposing motors. Kinesin-2 and -3 support long-range transport, and optogenetic inhibition reduces the distances that their cargoes move. These results suggest that the directionality of transport is controlled through regulating kinesin-1 and dynein activity. On vesicles transported by several kinesin and dynein motors, modulating the activity of a single type of motor on the cargo is sufficient to direct motility.

Cryo-electron tomography of the actin cytoskeleton and membrane organization during lamellipodia formation using optogenetics.

blue AsLOV2 Cos-7 Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 14 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607852 Link to full text
Abstract: Lamellipodia are sheet-like cellular protrusions crucial for cell migration and endocytosis; their ultrastructure has been extensively studied using electron microscopy. However, the ultrastructure of the actin cytoskeleton during lamellipodia formation remains underexplored. Here, we employed the optogenetic tool PA-Rac1 combined with cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) to precisely control Rac1 activation and subsequent freezing via blue light irradiation. This approach enabled detailed structural analysis of newly formed lamellipodia in cells with intact plasma membranes. We successfully visualized lamellipodia with varying degrees of extension, representing different stages of lamellipodia formation. In minor extensions, several unbundled actin filaments formed “Minor protrusions” at several points along the leading edge. For moderately extended lamellipodia, cross-linked actin filaments formed small filopodia-like structures, termed “mini filopodia.” In the most extended lamellipodia, filopodia matured at multiple points along the leading edge, and the number of cross-linked actin filaments running nearly parallel to the leading edge increased throughout the lamellipodia. These observations suggest that actin polymerization begins in specific plasma membrane regions, forming mini filopodia that either mature into full filopodia or detach from the leading edge to form parallel filaments. This turnover of actin structures likely drives lamellipodial protrusion and stabilizes the base, providing new insights into the structural dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton and the mechanisms driving cell migration.

Optogenetic tools for inducing organelle membrane rupture.

blue AsLOV2 HeLa Organelle manipulation
bioRxiv, 13 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607738 Link to full text
Abstract: Disintegration of organelle membranes induces various cellular responses and has pathological consequences, including autoinflammatory diseases and neurodegeneration. Establishing methods to induce membrane rupture of organelles of interest is essential to analyze the downstream effects of membrane rupture; however, the spatiotemporal induction of rupture of specific membranes remains challenging. Here, we develop a series of optogenetic tools to induce organelle membrane rupture by using engineered Bcl-2-associated X protein (BAX), whose primary function is to form membrane pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) during apoptosis. When BAX is forced to target mitochondria, lysosomes, or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by replacing its C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD) with organelle-targeting sequences, the BAX mutants rupture their target membranes. To regulate the activity of organelle-targeted BAX, the photosensitive light-oxygen-voltage-sensing 2 (LOV2) domain is fused to the N-terminus of BAX. The resulting LOV2–BAX fusion protein exhibits blue light–dependent membrane-rupture activity on various organelles, including mitochondria, the ER, and lysosomes. Thus, LOV2–BAX enables spatiotemporal induction of membrane rupture across a broad range of organelles, expanding research opportunities on the consequences of organelle membrane disruption.

Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by light.

blue red DrBphP PAL E. coli Transgene expression Multichromatic
Nucleic Acids Res, 10 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkae678 Link to full text
Abstract: Vital organismal processes, including development, differentiation and adaptation, involve altered gene expression. Although expression is frequently controlled at the transcriptional stage, various regulation mechanisms operate at downstream levels. Here, we leverage the photoreceptor NmPAL to optogenetically induce RNA refolding and the translation of bacterial mRNAs. Blue-light-triggered NmPAL binding disrupts a cis-repressed mRNA state, thereby relieves obstruction of translation initiation, and upregulates gene expression. Iterative probing and optimization of the circuit, dubbed riboptoregulator, enhanced induction to 30-fold. Given action at the mRNA level, the riboptoregulator can differentially regulate individual structural genes within polycistronic operons. Moreover, it is orthogonal to and can be wed with other gene-regulatory circuits for nuanced and more stringent gene-expression control. We thus advance the pAurora2 circuit that combines transcriptional and translational mechanisms to optogenetically increase bacterial gene expression by >1000-fold. The riboptoregulator strategy stands to upgrade numerous regulatory circuits and widely applies to expression control in microbial biotechnology, synthetic biology and materials science.

Prior Fc receptor activation primes macrophages for increased sensitivity to IgG via long-term and short-term mechanisms.

blue CRY2olig primary mouse BMDMs RAW264.7 Signaling cascade control Control of vesicular transport
Dev Cell, 9 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.07.017 Link to full text
Abstract: Macrophages measure the "eat-me" signal immunoglobulin G (IgG) to identify targets for phagocytosis. We tested whether prior encounters with IgG influence macrophage appetite. IgG is recognized by the Fc receptor. To temporally control Fc receptor activation, we engineered an Fc receptor that is activated by the light-induced oligomerization of Cry2, triggering phagocytosis. Using this tool, we demonstrate that subthreshold Fc receptor activation primes mouse bone-marrow-derived macrophages to be more sensitive to IgG in future encounters. Macrophages that have previously experienced subthreshold Fc receptor activation eat more IgG-bound human cancer cells. Increased phagocytosis occurs by two discrete mechanisms-a short- and long-term priming. Long-term priming requires new protein synthesis and Erk activity. Short-term priming does not require new protein synthesis and correlates with an increase in Fc receptor mobility. Our work demonstrates that IgG primes macrophages for increased phagocytosis, suggesting that therapeutic antibodies may become more effective after initial priming doses.

Dimerization activates the Inversin complex in C. elegans.

blue VVD Signaling cascade control Developmental processes
Mol Biol Cell, 7 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1091/mbc.e24-05-0218 Link to full text
Abstract: Genetic, colocalization, and biochemical studies suggest that the ankyrin repeat-containing proteins Inversin (INVS) and ANKS6 function with the NEK8 kinase to control tissue patterning and maintain organ physiology. It is unknown whether these three proteins assemble into a static “Inversin complex” or one that adopts multiple bioactive forms. Through characterization of hyperactive alleles in C. elegans, we discovered that the Inversin complex is activated by dimerization. Genome engineering of an RFP tag onto the nematode homologues of INVS (MLT-4) and NEK8 (NEKL-2) induced a gain-of-function, cyst-like phenotype that was suppressed by monomerization of the fluorescent tag. Stimulated dimerization of MLT-4 or NEKL-2 using optogenetics was sufficient to recapitulate the phenotype of a constitutively active Inversin complex. Further, dimerization of NEKL-2 bypassed a lethal MLT-4 mutant, demonstrating that the dimeric form is required for function. We propose that dynamic switching between at least two functionally distinct states–-an active dimer and an inactive monomer–-gates the output of the Inversin complex.

Rapid and reversible dissolution of biomolecular condensates using light-controlled recruitment of a solubility tag.

blue iLID HEK293T NIH/3T3 Organelle manipulation
Nat Commun, 7 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50858-0 Link to full text
Abstract: Biomolecular condensates are broadly implicated in both normal cellular regulation and disease. Consequently, several chemical biology and optogenetic approaches have been developed to induce phase separation of a protein of interest. However, few tools are available to perform the converse function - dissolving a condensate of interest on demand. Such a tool would aid in testing whether the condensate plays specific functional roles. Here we show that light-gated recruitment of a solubilizing domain, maltose-binding protein (MBP), results in rapid and controlled dissolution of condensates formed from proteins of interest. Our optogenetic MBP-based dissolution strategy (OptoMBP) is rapid, reversible, and can be spatially controlled with subcellular precision. We also provide a proof-of-principle application of OptoMBP by disrupting condensation of the oncogenic fusion protein FUS-CHOP and reverting FUS-CHOP driven transcriptional changes. We envision that the OptoMBP system could be broadly useful for disrupting constitutive protein condensates to probe their biological functions.

Stress pathway outputs are encoded by pH-dependent clustering of kinase components.

blue CRY2clust HEK293 Organelle manipulation
Nat Commun, 5 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50638-w Link to full text
Abstract: Signal processing by intracellular kinases controls near all biological processes but how signal pathway functions evolve with changed cellular context is poorly understood. Functional specificity of c-Jun N-terminal Kinases (JNK) are partly encoded by signal strength. Here we reveal that intracellular pH (pHi) is a significant component of the JNK network and defines signal response to specific stimuli. We show pHi regulates JNK activity in response to cell stress, with the relationship between pHi and JNK activity dependent on specific stimuli and upstream kinases activated. Using the optogenetic clustering tag CRY2, we show that an increase in pHi promotes the light-induced phase transition of ASK1 to augment JNK activation. While increased pHi similarly promoted CRY2-tagged JNK2 to form light-induced condensates, this attenuated JNK activity. Mathematical modelling of feedback signalling incorporating pHi and differential contributions by ASK1 and JNK2 condensates was sufficient to delineate signal responses to specific stimuli. Taking pHi and ASK1/JNK2 signal contributions into consideration may delineate oncogenic versus tumour suppressive JNK functions and cancer cell drug responses.

Optogenetic control of phosphate-responsive genes using single component fusion proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

blue EL222 S. cerevisiae Endogenous gene expression
bioRxiv, 3 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.02.605841 Link to full text
Abstract: Blue light illumination can be detected by Light-Oxygen-Voltage (LOV) photosensing proteins and translated into a range of biochemical responses, facilitating the generation of novel optogenetic tools to control cellular function. Here we develop new variants of our previously described VP-EL222 light-dependent transcription factor and apply them to study the phosphate-responsive signaling (PHO) pathway in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, exemplifying the utilities of these new tools. Focusing first on the VP-EL222 protein itself, we quantified the tunability of gene expression as a function of light intensity and duration, and demonstrated that this system can tolerate the addition of substantially larger effector domains without impacting function. We further demonstrated the utility of several EL222-driven transcriptional controllers in both plasmid and genomic settings, using the PHO5 and PHO84 promoters in their native chromosomal contexts as examples. These studies highlight the utility of light-controlled gene activation using EL222 tethered to either artificial transcription domains or yeast activator proteins (Pho4). Similarly, we demonstrate the ability to optogenetically repress gene expression with EL222 fused to the yeast Ume6 protein. We finally investigated the effects of moving EL222 recruitment sites to different locations within the PHO5 and PHO84 promoters, as well as determining how this artificial light-controlled regulation could be integrated with the native controls dependent on inorganic phosphate (Pi) availability. Taken together, our work expands the applicability of these versatile optogenetic tools in the types of functionality they can deliver and biological questions that can be probed.

Optogenetic inhibition of light-captured alcohol-taking striatal engrams facilitates extinction and suppresses reinstatement.

blue AsLOV2 mouse in vivo rat in vivo Transgene expression
Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken), 2 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1111/acer.15412 Link to full text
Abstract: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a complex condition, and it remains unclear which specific neuronal substrates mediate alcohol-seeking and -taking behaviors. Engram cells and their related ensembles, which encode learning and memory, may play a role in this process. We aimed to assess the precise neural substrates underlying alcohol-seeking and -taking behaviors and determine how they may affect one another.

Notch1 Phase Separation Coupled Percolation facilitates target gene expression and enhancer looping.

blue AsLOV2 CRY2/CIB1 HEK293 HeLa Signaling cascade control Organelle manipulation
bioRxiv, 1 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2023.03.17.533124 Link to full text
Abstract: The Notch receptor is a pleiotropic signaling protein that translates intercellular ligand interactions into changes in gene expression via the nuclear localization of the Notch intracellular Domain (NICD). Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ, Optogenetics and super-resolution live imaging of transcription in human cells, we show that the N1ICD can form condensates that positively facilitate Notch target gene expression. We determined that N1ICD undergoes Phase Separation Coupled Percolation (PSCP) into transcriptional condensates, which recruit, enrich, and encapsulate a broad set of core transcriptional proteins. We show that the capacity for condensation is due to the intrinsically disordered transcriptional activation domain of the N1ICD. In addition, the formation of such transcriptional condensates acts to promote Notch-mediated super enhancer-looping and concomitant activation of the MYC protooncogene expression. Overall, we introduce a novel mechanism of Notch1 activity in which discrete changes in nuclear N1ICD abundance are translated into the assembly of transcriptional condensates that facilitate gene expression by enriching essential transcriptional machineries at target genomic loci.

Reshaping tumor microenvironment by regulating local cytokines expression with a portable smart blue-light controlled device.

blue VVD P815 Transgene expression
Commun Biol, 29 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-06566-y Link to full text
Abstract: Cytokines have attracted sustained attention due to their multi-functional cellular response in immunotherapy. However, their application was limited to their short half-time, narrow therapeutic window, and undesired side effects. To address this issue, we developed a portable smart blue-light controlled (PSLC) device based on optogenetic technology. By combining this PSLC device with blue-light controlled gene modules, we successfully achieved the targeted regulation of cytokine expression within the tumor microenvironment. To alter the tumor microenvironment of solid tumors, pro-inflammatory cytokines were selected as blue-light controlled molecules. The results show that blue-light effectively regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines both in vitro and in vivo. This strategy leads to enhanced and activated tumor-infiltrating immune cells, which facilitated to overcome the immunosuppressive microenvironment, resulting in significant tumor shrinkage in tumor-bearing mice. Hence, our study offers a unique strategy for cytokine therapy and a convenient device for animal studies in optogenetic immunotherapy.

Optogenetic Strategies for Optimizing the Performance of Phospholipids Biosensors.

blue cpLOV2 CRY2/CIB1 HEK293T HeLa Organelle manipulation
Adv Sci (Weinh), 29 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1002/advs.202403026 Link to full text
Abstract: High-performance biosensors play a crucial role in elucidating the intricate spatiotemporal regulatory roles and dynamics of membrane phospholipids. However, enhancing the sensitivity and imaging performance remains a significant challenge. Here, optogenetic-based strategies are presented to optimize phospholipid biosensors. These strategies involves presequestering unbound biosensors in the cell nucleus and regulating their cytosolic levels with blue light to minimize background signal interference in phospholipid detection, particularly under conditions of high expression levels of biosensor. Furthermore, optically controlled phase separation and the SunTag system are employed to generate punctate probes for substrate detection, thereby amplifying biosensor signals and enhancing visualization of the detection process. These improved phospholipid biosensors hold great potential for enhancing the understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics and regulatory roles of membrane lipids in live cells and the methodological insights in this study might be valuable for developing other high-performance biosensors.

An Integrated Optogenetic and Bioelectronic Platform for Regulating Cardiomyocyte Function.

blue bPAC (BlaC) rat cardiomyocytes Immediate control of second messengers
Adv Sci (Weinh), 25 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1002/advs.202402236 Link to full text
Abstract: Bioelectronic medicine is emerging as a powerful approach for restoring lost endogenous functions and addressing life-altering maladies such as cardiac disorders. Systems that incorporate both modulation of cellular function and recording capabilities can enhance the utility of these approaches and their customization to the needs of each patient. Here is report an integrated optogenetic and bioelectronic platform for stable and long-term stimulation and monitoring of cardiomyocyte function in vitro. Optical inputs are achieved through the expression of a photoactivatable adenylyl cyclase, that when irradiated with blue light causes a dose-dependent and time-limited increase in the secondary messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate with subsequent rise in autonomous cardiomyocyte beating rate. Bioelectronic readouts are obtained through a multi-electrode array that measures real-time electrophysiological responses at 32 spatially-distinct locations. Irradiation at 27 µW mm-2 results in a 14% elevation of the beating rate within 20-25 min, which remains stable for at least 2 h. The beating rate can be cycled through "on" and "off" light states, and its magnitude is a monotonic function of irradiation intensity. The integrated platform can be extended to stretchable and flexible substrates, and can open new avenues in bioelectronic medicine, including closed-loop systems for cardiac regulation and intervention, for example, in the context of arrythmias.

Spatial ciliary signaling regulates the dorsal/ventral regionalization of human brain organoids.

blue bPAC (BlaC) human IPSCs Immediate control of second messengers Neuronal activity control
bioRxiv, 20 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.18.604098 Link to full text
Abstract: Regionalization of the brain is a fundamental question in human developmental biology. Primary cilia are known for a critical organelle for dorsal/ventral fate of brain formation in mice, but little is known about how signaling in the primary cilia regulate regionalization of the human brain. Here, we found that signaling in the primary cilia function in regionalization of the brain using brain organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Deletion of a ciliary GTPase, ARL13B, induced partially ventralized neural stem cells in the dorsal cortical organoids, despite using a guided dorsal cortical organoid differentiation protocol. Mechanistically, ARL13B knockout (KO) neural stem cells decreased ciliary localization of GPR161, a negative regulator of SHH signaling in primary cilia and increased SONIC HEDGEHOG (SHH) signaling. GPR161 deletion also induced ventralized neural stem cells in the dorsal cortical organoids, despite using the guided differentiation protocol. GPR161 deletion increased SHH signaling mediated by decreased GLI3 repressor formation. Pharmacological treatment to increase cAMP levels rescued GLI3 repressor formation and the differentiation of dorsal neural stem cells in GPR161 KO brain organoids. Importantly, elevating the amount of ciliary cAMP by optogenetics restored the generation of dorsal neural stem cells in GPR161 KO brain organoids. These data indicate that spatial ciliary signaling, the ARL13B-GPR161-cAMP axis in primary cilia, is a fundamental regulator of the dorsal/ventral regionalization of the human brain.

TPM4 condensates glycolytic enzymes to fuel actin reorganization under hyperosmotic stress.

blue CRY2/CRY2 HEK293T HeLa MDA-MB-231 Organelle manipulation
bioRxiv, 14 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.09.602822 Link to full text
Abstract: Actin homeostasis is fundamental for cell structure and consumes a large portion of cellular ATP. It has been documented in the literature that certain glycolytic enzymes can interact with actin, indicating an intricate interplay between the cytoskeleton and cellular metabolism. Here we report that hyperosmotic stress triggers actin severing and subsequent phase separation of the actin-binding protein TPM4. TPM4 condensates glycolytic enzymes such as HK2, PFKM, and PKM2, and adhere to and wrap around actin filaments. Notably, the condensates of TPM4 and glycolytic enzymes are enriched of NADH and ATP, suggestive of their functional importance in cell metabolism. At cellular level, actin filaments assembly is enhanced upon hyperosmotic stress and TPM4 condensation, while depletion of TPM4 impaired osmolarity-induced actin reorganization. At tissue level, co-localized condensates of TPM4 and glycolytic enzymes are observed in renal tissues subjected to hyperosmotic stress. Together, our findings suggest that stress-induced actin perturbation may act on TPM4 to organize glycolytic hubs that tether energy production to cytoskeletal reorganization.

Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC): a flexible cloning toolbox with diverse applications in vertebrate model systems.

blue AsLOV2 EL222 mouse in vivo zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression Nucleic acid editing
bioRxiv, 13 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.13.603267 Link to full text
Abstract: Here we present the Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC) system, which harnesses site-specific recombination-based cloning via Gateway technology for rapid, modular assembly of between 1 and 3 “Entry” vector components, all into a fourth, standard high copy “Destination” plasmid backbone. The MAGIC toolkit spans a range of in vitro and in vivo uses, from directing tunable gene expression, to driving simultaneous expression of microRNAs and fluorescent reporters, to enabling site-specific recombinase-dependent gene expression. All MAGIC system components are directly compatible with existing multisite gateway Tol2 systems currently used in zebrafish, as well as existing eukaryotic cell culture expression Destination plasmids, and available mammalian lentiviral and adenoviral Destination vectors, allowing rapid cross-species experimentation. Moreover, herein we describe novel vectors with flanking piggyBac transposon elements for stable genomic integration in vitro or in vivo when used with piggyBac transposase. Collectively, the MAGIC system facilitates transgenesis in cultured mammalian cells, electroporated mouse and chick embryos, as well as in injected zebrafish embryos, enabling the rapid generation of innovative DNA constructs for biological research due to a shared, common plasmid platform.

Self-powered triboelectric-responsive microneedles with controllable release of optogenetically engineered extracellular vesicles for intervertebral disc degeneration repair.

blue CRY2/CIB1 HEK293T in vitro Control of vesicular transport
Nat Commun, 9 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50045-1 Link to full text
Abstract: Excessive exercise is an etiological factor of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD). Engineered extracellular vesicles (EVs) exhibit excellent therapeutic potential for disease-modifying treatments. Herein, we fabricate an exercise self-powered triboelectric-responsive microneedle (MN) assay with the sustainable release of optogenetically engineered EVs for IVDD repair. Mechanically, exercise promotes cytosolic DNA sensing-mediated inflammatory activation in senescent nucleus pulposus (NP) cells (the master cell population for IVD homeostasis maintenance), which accelerates IVDD. TREX1 serves as a crucial nuclease, and disassembly of TRAM1-TREX1 complex disrupts the subcellular localization of TREX1, triggering TREX1-dependent genomic DNA damage during NP cell senescence. Optogenetically engineered EVs deliver TRAM1 protein into senescent NP cells, which effectively reconstructs the elimination function of TREX1. Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) harvests mechanical energy and triggers the controllable release of engineered EVs. Notably, an optogenetically engineered EV-based targeting treatment strategy is used for the treatment of IVDD, showing promising clinical potential for the treatment of degeneration-associated disorders.

Optogenetic control of a horizontally acquired region in yeast prevent stuck fermentations.

blue NcWC1-LOV VVD S. cerevisiae Endogenous gene expression
bioRxiv, 9 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.09.602721 Link to full text
Abstract: Nitrogen limitations in the grape must is the main cause of stuck fermentations during the winemaking process. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a genetic segment known as region A, which harbors 12 protein-coding genes, was acquired horizontally from a phylogenetically distant yeast species. This region is mainly present in the genome of wine yeast strains, carrying genes that have been associated with nitrogen utilization. Despite the putative importance of region A in yeast fermentation, its contribution to the fermentative process is largely unknown. In this work, we used a wine yeast strain to evaluate the contribution of region A to the fermentation process. To do this, we first sequenced the genome of the wine yeast strain known as ‘ALL’ using long-read sequencing and determined that region A is present in a single copy with two possible subtelomeric locations. We then implemented an optogenetic system in this wine yeast strain to precisely regulate the expression of each gene inside this region, generating a collection of 12 strains that allow for light- activated gene expression. To evaluate the role of these genes during fermentation, we assayed this collection using microculture and fermentation experiments in synthetic must with varying amounts of nitrogen concentration. Our results show that changes in gene expression for genes within this region can impact growth parameters and fermentation rate. We additionally found that the expression of various genes in region A is necessary to complete the fermentation process and prevent stuck fermentations under low nitrogen conditions. Altogether, our optogenetics-based approach demonstrates the importance of region A in completing fermentation under nitrogen-limited conditions.

Optogenetics in pancreatic islets: Actuators and effects.

blue green near-infrared red BLUF domains Cobalamin-binding domains Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Diabetes, 8 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.2337/db23-1022 Link to full text
Abstract: The Islets of Langerhans reside within the endocrine pancreas as highly vascularised micro-organs that are responsible for the secretion of key hormones, such as insulin and glucagon. Islet function relies on a range of dynamic molecular processes that include calcium (Ca2+) waves, hormone pulses, and complex interactions between islet cell types. Dysfunction of these processes results in poor maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis and is a hallmark of diabetes. Very recently, the development of optogenetic methods that rely on light-sensitive molecular actuators has allowed perturbing islet function with near physiological spatio-temporal acuity. These actuators harness natural photoreceptor proteins and their engineered variants to manipulate mouse and human cells that are not normally light-responsive. Until recently, optogenetics in islet biology has primarily focused on hormone production and secretion; however, studies on further aspects of islet function, including paracrine regulation between islet cell types and dynamics within intracellular signaling pathways are emerging. Here, we discuss the applicability of optogenetics to islets cells and comprehensively review seminal as well as recent work on optogenetic actuators and their effects in islet function and diabetes mellitus (DM).

Endoplasmic reticulum exit sites are segregated for secretion based on cargo size.

blue iLID U-2 OS Control of vesicular transport
Dev Cell, 4 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.06.009 Link to full text
Abstract: TANGO1, TANGO1-Short, and cTAGE5 form stable complexes at the endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES) to preferably export bulky cargoes. Their C-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD) binds Sec23A and affects COPII assembly. The PRD in TANGO1-Short was replaced with light-responsive domains to control its binding to Sec23A in U2OS cells (human osteosarcoma). TANGO1-ShortΔPRD was dispersed in the ER membrane but relocated rapidly, reversibly, to pre-existing ERES by binding to Sec23A upon light activation. Prolonged binding between the two, concentrated ERES in the juxtanuclear region, blocked cargo export and relocated ERGIC53 into the ER, minimally impacting the Golgi complex organization. Bulky collagen VII and endogenous collagen I were collected at less than 47% of the stalled ERES, whereas small cargo molecules were retained uniformly at almost all the ERES. We suggest that ERES are segregated to handle cargoes based on their size, permitting cells to traffic them simultaneously for optimal secretion.

Phospholipase C beta 1 in the dentate gyrus gates fear memory formation through regulation of neuronal excitability.

blue iLID HeLa mouse in vivo primary mouse hippocampal neurons Signaling cascade control
Sci Adv, 3 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4433 Link to full text
Abstract: Memory processes rely on a molecular signaling system that balances the interplay between positive and negative modulators. Recent research has focused on identifying memory-regulating genes and their mechanisms. Phospholipase C beta 1 (PLCβ1), highly expressed in the hippocampus, reportedly serves as a convergence point for signal transduction through G protein-coupled receptors. However, the detailed role of PLCβ1 in memory function has not been elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that PLCβ1 in the dentate gyrus functions as a memory suppressor. We reveal that mice lacking PLCβ1 in the dentate gyrus exhibit a heightened fear response and impaired memory extinction, and this excessive fear response is repressed by upregulation of PLCβ1 through its overexpression or activation using a newly developed optogenetic system. Last, our results demonstrate that PLCβ1 overexpression partially inhibits exaggerated fear response caused by traumatic experience. Together, PLCβ1 is crucial in regulating contextual fear memory formation and potentially enhancing the resilience to trauma-related conditions.

Light-Inducible Activation of TrkA for Probing Chronic Pain in Mice.

blue iLID Cos-7 mouse in vivo rat dorsal root ganglion NSCs Signaling cascade control
ACS Chem Biol, 18 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.4c00300 Link to full text
Abstract: Chronic pain is a prevalent problem that plagues modern society, and better understanding its mechanisms is critical for developing effective therapeutics. Nerve growth factor (NGF) and its primary receptor, Tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA), are known to be potent mediators of chronic pain, but there is a lack of established methods for precisely perturbing the NGF/TrkA signaling pathway in the study of pain and nociception. Optobiological tools that leverage light-induced protein-protein interactions allow for precise spatial and temporal control of receptor signaling. Previously, our lab reported a blue light-activated version of TrkA generated using light-induced dimerization of the intracellular TrkA domain, opto-iTrkA. In this work, we show that opto-iTrkA activation is able to activate endogenous ERK and Akt signaling pathways and causes the retrograde transduction of phospho-ERK signals in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Opto-iTrkA activation also sensitizes the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channel in cellular models, further corroborating the physiological relevance of the optobiological stimulus. Finally, we show that opto-iTrkA enables light-inducible potentiation of mechanical sensitization in mice. Light illumination enables nontraumatic and reversible (<2 days) sensitization of mechanical pain in mice transduced with opto-iTrkA, which provides a platform for dissecting TrkA pathways for nociception in vitro and in vivo.

Traveling wave chemotaxis of neutrophil-like HL-60 cells.

blue iLID HL-60 Signaling cascade control Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 17 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.16.598630 Link to full text
Abstract: The question of how changes in chemoattractant concentration translate into the chemotactic response of immune cells serves as a paradigm for the quantitative understanding of how cells perceive and process temporal and spatial information. Here, using a microfluidic approach, we analyzed the migration of neutrophil-like HL-60 cells to a traveling wave of the chemoattractants fMLP and leukotriene B4 (LTB4). We found that under a pulsatile wave that travels at a speed of 95 and 170 µm/min, cells move forward in the front of the wave but slow down and randomly orient at the back due to temporal decrease in the attractant concentration. Under a slower wave, cells re-orient and migrate at the back of the wave; thus, cell displacement is canceled out or even becomes negative as cells chase the receding wave. FRET-based analysis indicated that these patterns of movement correlated well with spatiotemporal changes in Cdc42 activity. Furthermore, pharmacological perturbations suggested that migration in front of the wave depends on Cdc42, whereas that in the back of the wave depends more on PI3K/Rac and ROCK. These results suggest that pulsatile attractant waves may recruit or disperse neutrophils, depending on their speed and degree of cell polarization.

Activation of NF-κB signaling by optogenetic clustering of IKKα and β.

blue CRY2/CRY2 CRY2olig HEK293T Signaling cascade control Organelle manipulation
bioRxiv, 12 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.12.598631 Link to full text
Abstract: A large percentage of proteins form higher-order structures in order to fulfill their function. These structures are crucial for the precise spatial and temporal regulation of the cellular signaling network. Investigation of this network requires sophisticated research tools, such as optogenetic tools, that allow dynamic control over the signaling molecules. Cryptochrome 2 and its variations are the best-characterized oligomerizing photoreceptors the optogenetics toolbox has to offer. Therefore, we utilized this switch and combined it with an eGFP-binding nanobody, to build a toolbox of optogenetic constructs that enables the oligomerization of any eGFP-tagged protein of interest. We further introduced the higher clustering variant Cry2olig and an intrinsically disordered region to create higher-order oligomers or phase-separated assemblies to investigate the impact of different oligomerization states on eGFP-tagged signaling molecules. We apply these constructs to cluster IKKα and IKKβ, which resemble the central signaling integrator of the NF-κB pathway, thereby engineer a potent, blue-light-inducible activator of NF-κB signaling.
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