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Computational framework for single-cell spatiotemporal dynamics of optogenetic membrane recruitment.
We describe a modular computational framework for analyzing cell-wide spatiotemporal signaling dynamics in single-cell microscopy experiments that accounts for the experiment-specific geometric and diffractive complexities that arise from heterogeneous cell morphologies and optical instrumentation. Inputs are unique cell geometries and protein concentrations derived from confocal stacks and spatiotemporally varying environmental stimuli. After simulating the system with a model of choice, the output is convolved with the microscope point-spread function for direct comparison with the observable image. We experimentally validate this approach in single cells with BcLOV4, an optogenetic membrane recruitment system for versatile control over cell signaling, using a three-dimensional non-linear finite element model with all parameters experimentally derived. The simulations recapitulate observed subcellular and cell-to-cell variability in BcLOV4 signaling, allowing for inter-experimental differences of cellular and instrumentation origins to be elucidated and resolved for improved interpretive robustness. This single-cell approach will enhance optogenetics and spatiotemporally resolved signaling studies.
Optically inducible membrane recruitment and signaling systems.
Optical induction of intracellular signaling by membrane-associated and integral membrane proteins allows spatiotemporally precise control over second messenger signaling and cytoskeletal rearrangements that are important to cell migration, development, and proliferation. Optogenetic membrane recruitment of a protein-of-interest to control its signaling by altering subcellular localization is a versatile means to these ends. Here, we summarize the signaling characteristics and underlying structure-function of RGS-LOV photoreceptors as single-component membrane recruitment tools that rapidly, reversibly, and efficiently carry protein cargo from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane by a light-regulated electrostatic interaction with the membrane itself. We place the technology-relevant features of these recently described natural photosensory proteins in context of summarized protein engineering and design strategies for optically controlling membrane protein signaling.
Optogenetic inhibition of Gαq protein signaling reduces calcium oscillation stochasticity.
As fast terminators of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) serve critical roles in fine-tuning second messenger levels and, consequently, cellular responses to external stimuli. Here, we report the creation of an optogenetic RGS2 (opto-RGS2) that suppresses agonist-evoked calcium oscillations by the inactivation of Gαq protein. In this system, cryptochrome-mediated hetero-dimerization of the catalytic RGS2-box with its N-terminal amphipathic helix reconstitutes a functional membrane-localized complex that can dynamically suppress store-operated release of calcium. Engineered opto-RGS2 cell lines were used to establish the role of RGS2 as a key inhibitory feedback regulator of the stochasticity of the Gαq-mediated calcium spike timing. RGS2 reduced the stochasticity of carbachol-stimulated calcium oscillations, and the feedback inhibition was coupled to the global calcium elevation by calmodulin/RGS2 interactions. The identification of a critical negative feedback circuit exemplifies the utility of optogenetic approaches for interrogating RGS/GPCR biology and calcium encoding principles through temporally precise molecular gain-of-function.