Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Insertion of fluorescent proteins near the plug domain of MotB generates functional stator complex.

blue LOV domains Background
bioRxiv, 27 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.27.615325 Link to full text
Abstract: Many bacteria swim by the rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). The BFM is powered by proton translocation across the inner membrane through the hetero-heptameric MotA5MotB2 protein complex. Two periplasmic domains of MotB are critical in activating BFM rotation: (1) the peptidoglycan binding (PGB) domain that anchors MotB in the peptidoglycan layer and (2) the plug domain that modulates the proton flow. Existing cytoplasmic fluorescent probes have been shown to negatively affect motor rotation and switching. Here we inserted a fluorescent probe in the periplasm near the plug of MotB in an attempt to circumvent issues with cytoplasmic probes and for possible use in observing the mechanism of plug-based regulation of proton flow. We inserted green fluorescent protein (GFP) and iLOV, a fluorescent version of the light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain, in four periplasmic locations in MotB. Insertions near the plug retained motility but showed limited fluorescence for both fluorophores. Additional short, flexible glycine-serine (GS) linkers improved motility but did not improve brightness. Further optimization is necessary to improve the fluorescence of these periplasmic probes.
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