Showing 51 - 75 of 1068 results
Long range mutual activation establishes Rho and Rac polarity during cell migration.
In migrating cells, the GTPase Rac organizes a protrusive front, whereas Rho organizes a contractile back. How these GTPases are appropriately positioned at the opposite poles of a migrating cell is unknown. Here we leverage optogenetics, manipulation of cell mechanics, and mathematical modeling to reveal a surprising long-range mutual activation of the front and back polarity programs that complements their well-known local mutual inhibition. This long-range activation is rooted in two distinct modes of mechanochemical crosstalk. Local Rac-based protrusion stimulates Rho activation at the opposite side of the cell via membrane tension-based activation of mTORC2. Conversely, local Rho-based contraction induces cortical-flow-based remodeling of membrane-to-cortex interactions leading to PIP2 release, PIP3 generation, and Rac activation at the opposite side of the cell. We develop a minimal unifying mechanochemical model of the cell to explain how this long-range mechanical facilitation complements local biochemical inhibition to enable robust global Rho and Rac partitioning. Finally, we validate the importance of this long-range facilitation in the context of chemoattractant-based cell polarization and migration in primary human lymphocytes. Our findings demonstrate that the actin cortex and plasma membrane function as an integrated mechanochemical system for long-range partitioning of Rac and Rho during cell migration and likely other cellular contexts.
Singlet oxygen-mediated photochemical cross-linking of an engineered fluorescent flavoprotein iLOV.
Genetically-encoded photoactive proteins are integral tools in modern biochemical and molecular biological research. Within this tool box, truncated variants of the phototropin 2 light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) flavoprotein have been developed to photochemically generate singlet oxygen (1O2) in vitro and in vivo, yet the effect of 1O2 on these genetically encoded photosensitizers remains underexplored. In this study, we demonstrate that the "improved" LOV (iLOV) flavoprotein is capable of photochemical 1O2 generation. Once generated, 1O2 induces protein oligomerization via covalent cross-linking. The molecular targets of protein oligomerization by cross-linking are not endogenous tryptophans or tyrosines, but rather primarily histidines. Substitution of surface-exposed histidines for serine or glycine residues effectively eliminates protein cross-linking. When used in biochemical applications, such protein-protein cross-links may interfere with native biological responses to 1O2, which can be ameliorated by substitution of the surface exposed histidines of iLOV or other 1O2-generating flavoproteins.
Insertion of fluorescent proteins near the plug domain of MotB generates functional stator complex.
Many bacteria swim by the rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). The BFM is powered by proton translocation across the inner membrane through the hetero-heptameric MotA5MotB2 protein complex. Two periplasmic domains of MotB are critical in activating BFM rotation: (1) the peptidoglycan binding (PGB) domain that anchors MotB in the peptidoglycan layer and (2) the plug domain that modulates the proton flow. Existing cytoplasmic fluorescent probes have been shown to negatively affect motor rotation and switching. Here we inserted a fluorescent probe in the periplasm near the plug of MotB in an attempt to circumvent issues with cytoplasmic probes and for possible use in observing the mechanism of plug-based regulation of proton flow. We inserted green fluorescent protein (GFP) and iLOV, a fluorescent version of the light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain, in four periplasmic locations in MotB. Insertions near the plug retained motility but showed limited fluorescence for both fluorophores. Additional short, flexible glycine-serine (GS) linkers improved motility but did not improve brightness. Further optimization is necessary to improve the fluorescence of these periplasmic probes.
Mechanosensitive recruitment of Vinculin maintains junction integrity and barrier function at epithelial tricellular junctions.
Apical cell-cell junctions, including adherens junctions and tight junctions, adhere epithelial cells to one another and regulate selective permeability at both bicellular junctions and tricellular junctions (TCJs). Although several specialized proteins are known to localize at TCJs, it remains unclear how actomyosin-mediated tension transmission at TCJs contributes to the maintenance of junction integrity and barrier function at these sites. Here, utilizing the embryonic epithelium of gastrula-stage Xenopus laevis embryos, we define a mechanism by which the mechanosensitive protein Vinculin helps anchor the actomyosin network at TCJs, thus maintaining TCJ integrity and barrier function. Using an optogenetic approach to acutely increase junctional tension, we find that Vinculin is mechanosensitively recruited to apical junctions immediately surrounding TCJs. In Vinculin knockdown (KD) embryos, junctional actomyosin intensity is decreased and becomes disorganized at TCJs. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we show that Vinculin KD reduces actin stability at TCJs and destabilizes Angulin-1, a key tricellular tight junction protein involved in regulating barrier function at TCJs. When Vinculin KD embryos are subjected to increased tension, TCJ integrity is not maintained, filamentous actin (F-actin) morphology at TCJs is disrupted, and breaks in the signal of the tight junction protein ZO-1 signal are detected. Finally, using a live imaging barrier assay, we detect increased barrier leaks at TCJs in Vinculin KD embryos. Together, our findings show that Vinculin-mediated actomyosin organization is required to maintain junction integrity and barrier function at TCJs and reveal new information about the interplay between adhesion and barrier function at TCJs.
Optogenetic Tools for Regulating RNA Metabolism and Functions.
RNA molecules play a vital role in linking genetic information with various cellular processes. In recent years, a variety of optogenetic tools have been engineered for regulating cellular RNA metabolism and functions. These highly desirable tools can offer non-intrusive control with spatial precision, remote operation, and biocompatibility. Here, we would like to review these currently available approaches that can regulate RNAs with light: from non-genetically encodable chemically modified oligonucleotides to genetically encoded RNA aptamers that recognize photosensitive small-molecule or protein ligands. Some key applications of these optogenetic tools will also be highlighted to illustrate how they have been used for regulating all aspects of the RNA life cycle: from RNA synthesis, maturation, modification, and translation to their degradation, localization, and phase separation control. Some current challenges and potential practical utilizations of these RNA optogenetic tools will also be discussed.
In Vivo Optogenetics Based on Heavy Metal-Free Photon Upconversion Nanoparticles.
Photon upconversion (UC) from red or near-infrared (NIR) light to blue light is promising for in vivo optogenetics. However, the examples of in vivo optogenetics have been limited to lanthanide inorganic UC nanoparticles, and there have been no examples of optogenetics without using heavy metals. Here the first example of in vivo optogenetics using biocompatible heavy metal-free TTA-UC nanoemulsions is shown. A new organic TADF sensitizer, a boron difluoride curcuminoid derivative modified with a bromo group, can promote intersystem crossing to the excited triplet state, significantly improving TTA-UC efficiency. The TTA-UC nanoparticles formed from biocompatible surfactants and methyl oleate acquire water dispersibility and remarkable oxygen tolerance. By combining with genome engineering technology using the blue light-responding photoactivatable Cre-recombinase (PA-Cre), TTA-UC nanoparticles promote Cre-reporter EGFP expression in neurons in vitro and in vivo. The results open new opportunities toward deep-tissue control of neural activities based on heavy metal-free fully organic UC systems.
Simultaneous spectral illumination of microplates for high-throughput optogenetics and photobiology.
Vogt, A
Paulat, R
Parthier, D
Just, V
Szczepek, M
Scheerer, P
Xu, Q
Möglich, A
Schmitz, D
Rost, BR
Wenger, N
The biophysical characterization and engineering of optogenetic tools and photobiological systems has been hampered by the lack of efficient methods for spectral illumination of microplates for high-throughput analysis of action spectra. Current methods to determine action spectra only allow the sequential spectral illumination of individual wells. Here we present the open-source RainbowCap-system, which combines LEDs and optical filters in a standard 96-well microplate format for simultaneous and spectrally defined illumination. The RainbowCap provides equal photon flux for each wavelength, with the output of the LEDs narrowed by optical bandpass filters. We validated the RainbowCap for photoactivatable G protein-coupled receptors (opto-GPCRs) and enzymes for the control of intracellular downstream signaling. The simultaneous, spectrally defined illumination provides minimal interruption during time-series measurements, while resolving 10 nm differences in the action spectra of optogenetic proteins under identical experimental conditions. The RainbowCap is also suitable for studying the spectral dependence of light-regulated gene expression in bacteria, which requires illumination over several hours. In summary, the RainbowCap provides high-throughput spectral illumination of microplates, while its modular, customizable design allows easy adaptation to a wide range of optogenetic and photobiological applications.
Rapid and reversible regulation of cell cycle progression in budding yeast using optogenetics.
The regulatory complexity of the eukaryotic cell cycle poses technical challenges in experiment design and data interpretation, leaving gaps in our understanding of how cells coordinate cell cycle-related processes. Traditional methods, such as knockouts and deletions are often ineffective to compensatory interactions in the cell cycle control network, while chemical agents that cause cell cycle arrest can have undesired pleiotropic effects. Synthetic inducible systems targeting specific cell cycle regulators offer potential solutions but are limited by the need for external inducers, which make fast reversibility technically challenging. To address these issues, we developed an optogenetic tool (OPTO-Cln2) that enables light-controlled and reversible regulation of G1 progression in budding yeast. Through extensive validation and benchmarking via time-lapse microscopy, we verify that OPTO-Cln2-carrying strains can rapidly toggle between normal and altered G1 progression. By integrating OPTO-Cln2 with a readout of nutrient-sensing pathways (TORC1 and PKA), we show that the oscillatory activity of these pathways is tightly coordinated with G1 progression. Finally, we demonstrate that the rapid reversibility of OPTO-Cln2 facilitates multiple cycles of synchronous arrest and release of liquid cell cultures. Our work provides a powerful new approach for studying cell cycle dynamics and the coordination of growth- with division-related processes.
Inward transport of organelles drives outward migration of the spindle during C. elegans meiosis.
Peraza, AA
Li, W
Lele, A
Lazureanu, D
Hampton, MF
Do, RM
Lafrades, MC
Barajas, MG
Batres, AA
McNally, FJ
Cortical positioning of the meiotic spindle within an oocyte is required to expel chromosomes into polar bodies to generate a zygote with the correct number of chromosomes. In C. elegans, yolk granules and mitochondria are packed inward, away from the cortex while the spindle moves outward, both in a kinesin-dependent manner. The kinesin-dependent inward packing of yolk granules suggests the existence of microtubules with minus ends at the cortex and plus ends extending inward, making it unclear how kinesin moves the spindle outward. We hypothesized that inward packing of organelles might indirectly force the spindle outward by volume exclusion. To test this hypothesis, we generated a strain in which the only kinesin consists of motor domains with no cargo-binding tail optogenetically attached to mitochondria. This mitochondria-only kinesin packed mitochondria into a tight ball and efficiently moved the meiotic spindle to the cortex, supporting the volume exclusion hypothesis.
Notch1 Phase Separation Coupled Percolation facilitates target gene expression and enhancer looping.
The Notch receptor is a pleiotropic signaling protein that translates intercellular ligand interactions into changes in gene expression via the nuclear localization of the Notch intracellular Domain (NICD). Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ, Optogenetics and super-resolution live imaging of transcription in human cells, we show that the N1ICD can form condensates that positively facilitate Notch target gene expression. We determined that N1ICD undergoes Phase Separation Coupled Percolation (PSCP) into transcriptional condensates, which recruit, enrich, and encapsulate a broad set of core transcriptional proteins. We show that the capacity for condensation is due to the intrinsically disordered transcriptional activation domain of the N1ICD. In addition, the formation of such transcriptional condensates acts to promote Notch-mediated super enhancer-looping and concomitant activation of the MYC protooncogene expression. Overall, we introduce a novel mechanism of Notch1 activity in which discrete changes in nuclear N1ICD abundance are translated into the assembly of transcriptional condensates that facilitate gene expression by enriching essential transcriptional machineries at target genomic loci.
PIP5K-Ras bistability initiates plasma membrane symmetry breaking to regulate cell polarity and migration.
Symmetry breaking, polarity establishment, and spontaneous cell protrusion formation are fundamental but poorly explained cell behaviors. Here, we demonstrate that a biochemical network, where the mutually inhibitory localization of PIP5K and Ras activities plays a central role, governs these processes. First, in resting cells devoid of cytoskeletal activity, PIP5K is uniformly elevated on the plasma membrane, while Ras activity remains minimal. Symmetry is broken by spontaneous local displacements of PIP5K, coupled with simultaneous activations of Ras and downstream signaling events, including PI3K activation. Second, knockout of PIP5K dramatically increases both the incidence and size of Ras-PI3K activation patches, accompanied by branched F-actin assembly. This leads to enhanced cortical wave formation, increased protrusive activity, and a shift in migration mode. Third, high inducible overexpression of PIP5K virtually eliminates Ras-PI3K signaling, cytoskeletal activity, and cell migration, while acute recruitment of cytosolic PIP5K to the membrane induces contraction and blebs in cancer cells. These arrested phenotypes are reversed by reducing myosin II activity, indicating myosin’s involvement in the PIP5K-Ras-centered regulatory network. Remarkably, low inducible overexpression of PIP5K unexpectedly facilitates polarity establishment, highlighting PIP5K as a highly sensitive master regulator of these processes. Simulations of a computational model combining an excitable system, cytoskeletal loops, and dynamic partitioning of PIP5K recreates the experimental observations. Taken together, our results reveal that a bistable, mutually exclusive localization of PIP5K and active Ras on the plasma membrane triggers the initial symmetry breaking. Coupled actomyosin reduction and increased actin polymerization lead to intermittently extended protrusions and, with feedback from the cytoskeleton, self-organizing, complementary gradients of PIP5K versus Ras steepen, raising the threshold of the networks at the rear and lowering it at the front to generate polarity for cell migration.
Systems mapping of bidirectional endosomal transport through the crowded cell.
Kinesin and dynein-dynactin motors move endosomes and other vesicles bidirectionally along microtubules, a process mainly studied under in vitro conditions. Here, we provide a physiological bidirectional transport model following color-coded, endogenously tagged transport-related proteins as they move through a crowded cellular environment. Late endosomes (LEs) surf bidirectionally on Protrudin-enriched endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane contact sites, while hopping and gliding along microtubules and bypassing cellular obstacles, such as mitochondria. During bidirectional transport, late endosomes do not switch between opposing Rab7 GTPase effectors, RILP and FYCO1, or their associated dynein and KIF5B motor proteins, respectively. In the endogenous setting, far fewer motors associate with endosomal membranes relative to effectors, implying coordination of transport with other aspects of endosome physiology through GTPase-regulated mechanisms. We find that directionality of transport is provided in part by various microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), including MID1, EB1, and CEP169, which recruit Lis1-activated dynein motors to microtubule plus ends for transport of early and late endosomal populations. At these microtubule plus ends, activated dynein motors encounter the dynactin subunit p150glued and become competent for endosomal capture and minus-end movement in collaboration with membrane-associated Rab7-RILP. We show that endosomes surf over the ER through the crowded cell and move bidirectionally under the control of MAPs for motor activation and through motor replacement and capture by endosomal anchors.
Modulating Polymerase Activity through Light-Oxygen-Voltage Domain Insertion.
Biochemical reaction networks adapt to environmental conditions by sensing chemical or physical stimuli and using tightly controlled mechanisms. While most signals come from molecules, many cells can also sense and respond to light. Among the biomolecular structures that enable light sensing, we selected a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain in a previous study that tested the engineering of novel regulatory mechanisms into a nucleic acid polymerase. In this follow-up study, we studied the activities of previously selected variants in kinetic detail, and we generated additional LOV-polymerase fusion variants based on further insertion criteria. Our results provide mechanistic insights into how LOV domain insertion influences polymerase activity in a light-responsive manner: All active and photoresponsive enzyme variants studied by us to date were partially inhibited (i.e., "turned off") after irradiation with blue light at 470 nm, which can be explained by specific obstructions of the polymerase entry or exit structures (substrate entry channels or product exit channels, or both). Although the effects observed are moderate, we anticipate further engineering strategies that could be used to improve the extent of switchability and possibly to develop a "turn-on mode" insertion.
Optogenetic control of early embryos labeling using photoactivatable Cre recombinase 3.0.
Establishing a highly efficient photoactivatable Cre recombinase PA-Cre3.0 can allow spatiotemporal control of Cre recombinase activity. This technique may help to elucidate cell lineages, as well as facilitate gene and cell function analysis during development. This study examined the blue light-mediated optical regulation of Cre-loxP recombination using PA-Cre3.0 transgenic early mouse pre-implantation embryos. We found that inducing PA-Cre3.0 expression in the heterozygous state did not show detectable recombination activation with blue light. Conversely, in homozygous embryos, DNA recombination by PA-Cre3.0 was successfully induced by blue light and resulted in the activation of the red fluorescent protein reporter gene, while almost no leaks of Cre recombination activity were detected in embryos without light illumination. Thus, we characterize the conditions under which the PA-Cre3.0 system functions efficiently in early mouse embryos. These results are expected to provide a new optogenetic tool for certain biological studies, such as developmental process analysis and lineage tracing in early mouse embryos.
In vivo optogenetic manipulations of endogenous proteins reveal spatiotemporal roles of microtubule and kinesin in dendrite patterning.
During animal development, the spatiotemporal properties of molecular events largely determine the biological outcomes. Conventional gene analysis methods lack the spatiotemporal resolution for precise dissection of developmental mechanisms. Although optogenetic tools exist for manipulating designer proteins in cultured cells, few have been successfully applied to endogenous proteins in live animals. Here, we report OptoTrap, a light-inducible clustering system for manipulating endogenous proteins of diverse sizes, subcellular locations, and functions in Drosophila. This system turns on fast, is reversible in minutes or hours, and contains variants optimized for neurons and epithelial cells. By using OptoTrap to disrupt microtubules and inhibit kinesin-1 in neurons, we show that microtubules support the growth of highly dynamic dendrites and that kinesin-1 is required for patterning of low- and high-order dendritic branches in differential spatiotemporal domains. OptoTrap allows for precise manipulation of endogenous proteins in a spatiotemporal manner and thus holds promise for studying developmental mechanisms in a wide range of cell types and developmental stages.
Feedback regulation by the RhoA-specific GEF ARHGEF17 regulates actomyosin network disassembly.
We report that the RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor ARHGEF17 localizes at the back of a fibroblast’s contractile lamella and regulates its disassembly. This localization emerges through retrograde ARHGEF17 transport together with actomyosin flow that most likely involves interactions with ATP-actin at F-actin barbed ends. During this process, ARHGEF17 increasingly oligomerizes into clusters that co-localize with myosin filaments, and correlate with their disassembly at lamella’s distal edge. ARHGEF17 loss of function leads to decreased RhoA activity at the lamella back and impairs its disassembly. High RhoA activity is however maintained at the lamella front where phosphorylated myosin light chain is observed. We propose that low levels of actomyosin network fracture at the lamella back generates barbed ends leading to generation of ATP-actin and ARHGEF17 binding, local activation of RhoA-dependent contractility, ensuring robust lamella disassembly. ARHGEF17 exemplifies the spatio-temporal complexity of Rho GTPase signaling and the requirement of feedback mechanism for homeostasis of contractile actomyosin networks.
Integrating bioprinting and optogenetic technologies for precision plant tissue engineering.
Recent advancements in plant bioprinting and optogenetic tools have unlocked new avenues to revolutionize plant tissue engineering. Bioprinting of plant cells has the potential to craft intricate 3D structures incorporating multiple cell types, replicating the complex microenvironments found in plants. Concurrently, optogenetic tools enable the control of biological events with spatial, temporal, and quantitative precision. Originally developed for human and microbial systems, these two cutting-edge methodologies are now being adapted for plant research. Although still in the early stages of development, we here review the latest progress in plant bioprinting and optogenetics and discuss compelling opportunities for plant biotechnology and research arising from the combination of the two technologies.
ERK synchronizes embryonic cleavages in Drosophila.
Yang, L
Zhu, A
Aman, JM
Denberg, D
Kilwein, MD
Marmion, RA
Johnson, ANT
Veraksa, A
Singh, M
Wühr, M
Shvartsman, SY
Extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling controls development and homeostasis and is genetically deregulated in human diseases, including neurocognitive disorders and cancers. Although the list of ERK functions is vast and steadily growing, the full spectrum of processes controlled by any specific ERK activation event remains unknown. Here, we show how ERK functions can be systematically identified using targeted perturbations and global readouts of ERK activation. Our experimental model is the Drosophila embryo, where ERK signaling at the embryonic poles has thus far only been associated with the transcriptional patterning of the future larva. Through a combination of live imaging and phosphoproteomics, we demonstrated that ERK activation at the poles is also critical for maintaining the speed and synchrony of embryonic cleavages. The presented approach to interrogating phosphorylation networks identifies a hidden function of a well-studied signaling event and sets the stage for similar studies in other organisms.
From resonance to chaos by modulating spatiotemporal patterns through a synthetic optogenetic oscillator.
Oscillations are a recurrent phenomenon in biological systems across scales, but deciphering their fundamental principles is very challenging. Here, we tackle this challenge by redesigning the wellcharacterised synthetic oscillator known as “repressilator” in Escherichia coli and controlling it using optogenetics, creating the “optoscillator”. Bacterial colonies manifest oscillations as spatial ring patterns. When we apply periodic light pulses, the optoscillator behaves as a forced oscillator and we systematically investigate the properties of the rings under various light conditions. Combining experiments with mathematical modeling, we demonstrate that this simple oscillatory circuit can generate complex dynamics that are transformed into distinct spatial patterns. We report the observation of synchronisation, resonance, subharmonic resonance and period doubling. Furthermore, we present evidence of a chaotic regime. This work highlights the intricate spatiotemporal patterns accessible by synthetic oscillators and underscores the potential of our approach in revealing fundamental principles of biological oscillations.
Programming mammalian cell behaviors by physical cues.
In recent decades, the field of synthetic biology has witnessed remarkable progress, driving advances in both research and practical applications. One pivotal area of development involves the design of transgene switches capable of precisely regulating specified outputs and controlling cell behaviors in response to physical cues, which encompass light, magnetic fields, temperature, mechanical forces, ultrasound, and electricity. In this review, we delve into the cutting-edge progress made in the field of physically controlled protein expression in engineered mammalian cells, exploring the diverse genetic tools and synthetic strategies available for engineering targeting cells to sense these physical cues and generate the desired outputs accordingly. We discuss the precision and efficiency limitations inherent in these tools, while also highlighting their immense potential for therapeutic applications.
Optogenetic control of kinesin-1, -2, -3 and dynein reveals their specific roles in vesicular transport.
Each cargo in a cell employs a unique set of motor proteins for its transport. To dissect the roles of each type of motor, we developed optogenetic inhibitors of endogenous kinesin-1, -2, -3 and dynein motors and examined their effect on the transport of early endosomes, late endosomes, and lysosomes. While kinesin-1, -3, and dynein transport vesicles at all stages of endocytosis, kinesin-2 primarily drives late endosomes and lysosomes. Transient optogenetic inhibition of kinesin-1 or dynein causes both early and late endosomes to move more processively by relieving competition with opposing motors. Kinesin-2 and -3 support long-range transport, and optogenetic inhibition reduces the distances that their cargoes move. These results suggest that the directionality of transport is controlled through regulating kinesin-1 and dynein activity. On vesicles transported by several kinesin and dynein motors, modulating the activity of a single type of motor on the cargo is sufficient to direct motility.
Optogenetic tools for inducing organelle membrane rupture.
Disintegration of organelle membranes induces various cellular responses and has pathological consequences, including autoinflammatory diseases and neurodegeneration. Establishing methods to induce membrane rupture of organelles of interest is essential to analyze the downstream effects of membrane rupture; however, the spatiotemporal induction of rupture of specific membranes remains challenging. Here, we develop a series of optogenetic tools to induce organelle membrane rupture by using engineered Bcl-2-associated X protein (BAX), whose primary function is to form membrane pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) during apoptosis. When BAX is forced to target mitochondria, lysosomes, or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by replacing its C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD) with organelle-targeting sequences, the BAX mutants rupture their target membranes. To regulate the activity of organelle-targeted BAX, the photosensitive light-oxygen-voltage-sensing 2 (LOV2) domain is fused to the N-terminus of BAX. The resulting LOV2–BAX fusion protein exhibits blue light–dependent membrane-rupture activity on various organelles, including mitochondria, the ER, and lysosomes. Thus, LOV2–BAX enables spatiotemporal induction of membrane rupture across a broad range of organelles, expanding research opportunities on the consequences of organelle membrane disruption.
Bacteria-based cascade in situ near-infrared nano-optogenetically induced photothermal tumor therapy.
Hu, X
Chen, J
Qiu, Y
Chen, S
Liu, Y
Yu, X
Liu, Y
Yang, X
Zhang, Y
Zhu, Y
Rationale: Optogenetically engineered facultative anaerobic bacteria exhibit a favorable tendency to colonize at solid tumor sites and spatiotemporally-programmable therapeutics release abilities, attracting extensive attention in precision tumor therapy. However, their therapeutic efficacy is moderate. Conventional photothermal agents with high tumor ablation capabilities exhibit low tumor targeting efficiency, resulting in significant off-target side effects. The combination of optogenetics and photothermal therapy may offer both tumor-targeting and excellent tumor-elimination capabilities, which unfortunately has rarely been investigated. Herein, we construct a bacteria-based cascade near-infrared optogentical-photothermal system (EcNαHL-UCNPs) for enhanced tumor therapy. Methods: EcNαHL-UCNPs consists of an optogenetically engineered Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) conjugated with lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), which are capable of locally secreting α-hemolysin (αHL), a pore-forming protein, in responsive to NIR irradiation. Anti-tumor effects of EcNαHL-UCNPs were determined in both H22 and 4T1 tumors. Results: The αHL not only eliminates tumor cells, but more importantly disrupts endothelium to form thrombosis as an in situ photothermal agent in tumors. The in situ formed thrombosis significantly potentiates the photothermic ablation of H22 tumors upon subsequent NIR light irradiation. Besides, αHL secreted by EcNαHL-UCNPs under NIR light irradiation not only inhibits 4T1 tumor growth, but also suppresses metastasis of 4T1 tumor via inducing the immune response. Conclusion: Our studies highlight bacteria-based cascade optogenetical-photothermal system for precise and effective tumor therapy.
Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by light.
Vital organismal processes, including development, differentiation and adaptation, involve altered gene expression. Although expression is frequently controlled at the transcriptional stage, various regulation mechanisms operate at downstream levels. Here, we leverage the photoreceptor NmPAL to optogenetically induce RNA refolding and the translation of bacterial mRNAs. Blue-light-triggered NmPAL binding disrupts a cis-repressed mRNA state, thereby relieves obstruction of translation initiation, and upregulates gene expression. Iterative probing and optimization of the circuit, dubbed riboptoregulator, enhanced induction to 30-fold. Given action at the mRNA level, the riboptoregulator can differentially regulate individual structural genes within polycistronic operons. Moreover, it is orthogonal to and can be wed with other gene-regulatory circuits for nuanced and more stringent gene-expression control. We thus advance the pAurora2 circuit that combines transcriptional and translational mechanisms to optogenetically increase bacterial gene expression by >1000-fold. The riboptoregulator strategy stands to upgrade numerous regulatory circuits and widely applies to expression control in microbial biotechnology, synthetic biology and materials science.
Rapid and reversible dissolution of biomolecular condensates using light-controlled recruitment of a solubility tag.
Biomolecular condensates are broadly implicated in both normal cellular regulation and disease. Consequently, several chemical biology and optogenetic approaches have been developed to induce phase separation of a protein of interest. However, few tools are available to perform the converse function - dissolving a condensate of interest on demand. Such a tool would aid in testing whether the condensate plays specific functional roles. Here we show that light-gated recruitment of a solubilizing domain, maltose-binding protein (MBP), results in rapid and controlled dissolution of condensates formed from proteins of interest. Our optogenetic MBP-based dissolution strategy (OptoMBP) is rapid, reversible, and can be spatially controlled with subcellular precision. We also provide a proof-of-principle application of OptoMBP by disrupting condensation of the oncogenic fusion protein FUS-CHOP and reverting FUS-CHOP driven transcriptional changes. We envision that the OptoMBP system could be broadly useful for disrupting constitutive protein condensates to probe their biological functions.