Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Showing 1 - 25 of 1793 results

The G3BP Stress-Granule Proteins Reinforce the Translation Program of the Integrated Stress Response.

blue CRY2/CRY2 HCT116 Endogenous gene expression Organelle manipulation
bioRxiv, 5 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.04.616305 Link to full text
Abstract: When mammalian cells are exposed to extracellular stress, they coordinate the condensation of stress granules (SGs) through the action of key nucleating proteins G3BP1 and G3BP2 (G3BPs) and, simultaneously, undergo a massive reduction in translation.1-5 Although SGs and G3BPs have been linked to this translation response, their overall impact has been unclear. Here, we investigate the longstanding question of how, and indeed whether, G3BPs and SGs shape the stress translation response. We find that SGs are enriched for mRNAs that are resistant to the stress-induced translation shutdown. Although the accurate recruitment of these stress-resistant mRNAs does require the context of stress, a combination of optogenetic tools and spike-normalized ribosome profiling demonstrates that G3BPs and SGs are necessary and sufficient to both help prioritize the translation of their enriched mRNAs and help suppress cytosolic translation. Together these results support a model in which G3BPs and SGs reinforce the stress translation program by prioritizing the translation of their resident mRNAs.

Rho/Rok-dependent regulation of actomyosin contractility at tricellular junctions controls epithelial permeability in Drosophila.

blue CRY2/CIB1 D. melanogaster in vivo Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 5 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.04.616625 Link to full text
Abstract: Cell contacts in epithelia are remodeled to regulate paracellular permeability and to control passage of migrating cells, but how barrier function is modulated while preserving epithelial integrity is not clear. In the follicular epithelium of Drosophila ovaries, tricellular junctions (TCJs) open transiently in a process termed patency to allow passage of externally produced yolk proteins for uptake by the oocyte. Here we show that modulation of actomyosin contractility at cell vertices controls TCJ permeability. Before patency, circumferential actomyosin bundles are anchored at apical follicle cell vertices, where tension-sensing junctional proteins, Rho-associated kinase (Rok), and active Myosin II accumulate and maintain vertices closed. TCJ opening is initiated by redistribution of Myosin II from circumferential bundles to a medial pool, accompanied by decreasing tension on vertices. This transition requires activation of Cofilin-dependent F-actin disassembly by the phosphatase Slingshot and Myosin II inactivation by Myosin light chain phosphatase, and is counteracted by Rok. Accordingly, constitutive activation of Myosin or of Rho signaling prevent vertex opening, whereas reduced Myosin II or Rok activity cause excessive and premature vertex opening. Thus, opening of intercellular gaps in the follicular epithelium does not require actomyosin-based forces, but relies on a reduction of actomyosin contractility. Conversely, F-actin assembly is required for closing intercellular gaps after patency. Our findings are consistent with a force transduction model in which TCJ integrity is maintained by vertex-anchored contractile actomyosin. We propose that the cell-type-specific organization of actomyosin at cell vertices determines the mode of contractility-dependent regulation of epithelial permeability.

Catalytic-dependent and independent functions of the histone acetyltransferase CBP promote pioneer factor-mediated zygotic genome activation.

blue CRY2/CRY2 Schneider 2 Epigenetic modification Endogenous gene expression Developmental processes
bioRxiv, 5 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.04.616638 Link to full text
Abstract: Immediately after fertilization the genome is transcriptionally quiescent. Maternally encoded pioneer transcription factors reprogram the chromatin state and facilitate the transcription of the zygotic genome. In Drosophila, transcription is initiated by the pioneer factor Zelda. While Zelda-occupied sites are enriched with histone acetylation, a post-translational mark associated with active cis-regulatory regions, the functional relationship between Zelda and histone acetylation in zygotic genome activation remained unclear. We show that Zelda-mediated recruitment of the histone acetyltransferase CBP is essential for zygotic transcription. CBP catalytic activity is necessary for release of RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) into transcription elongation and for embryonic development. However, CBP also activates zygotic transcription independent of acetylation through Pol II recruitment. Neither acetylation nor CBP are required for the pioneering function of Zelda. Our data suggest that pioneer factor-mediated recruitment of CBP is a conserved mechanism required to activate zygotic transcription but that this role is separable from the function of pioneer factors in restructuring chromatin accessibility.

Potent photoswitch for expression of biotherapeutics in mammalian cells by light.

blue EL222 CHO-K1 HEK293T Transgene expression
bioRxiv, 3 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.03.616529 Link to full text
Abstract: Precise temporal and spatial control of gene expression is of great benefit for the study of specific cellular circuits and activities. Compared to chemical inducers, light-dependent control of gene expression by optogenetics achieves a higher spatial and temporal resolution. This could also prove decisive beyond basic research for manufacturing difficult-to-express proteins in pharmaceutical bioproduction. However, current optogenetic gene-expression systems limit this application in mammalian cells as expression levels and fold induction upon light stimulation are not sufficient. To overcome this limitation, we designed a photoswitch by fusing the blue light-activated light-oxygen-voltage receptor EL222 from Erythrobacter litoralis to the three tandem transcriptional activator domains VP64, p65, and Rta. The resultant photoswitch, dubbed DEL-VPR, allows an up to 400-fold induction of target gene expression by blue light, achieving expression levels that surpass those for strong constitutive promoters. Here, we utilized DEL-VPR to enable light-induced expression of complex monoclonal and bispecific antibodies with reduced byproduct expression, increasing the yield of functional protein complexes. Our approach offers temporally controlled yet strong gene expression and applies to both academic and industrial settings.

Long range mutual activation establishes Rho and Rac polarity during cell migration.

blue iLID HL-60 Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 2 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.01.616161 Link to full text
Abstract: In migrating cells, the GTPase Rac organizes a protrusive front, whereas Rho organizes a contractile back. How these GTPases are appropriately positioned at the opposite poles of a migrating cell is unknown. Here we leverage optogenetics, manipulation of cell mechanics, and mathematical modeling to reveal a surprising long-range mutual activation of the front and back polarity programs that complements their well-known local mutual inhibition. This long-range activation is rooted in two distinct modes of mechanochemical crosstalk. Local Rac-based protrusion stimulates Rho activation at the opposite side of the cell via membrane tension-based activation of mTORC2. Conversely, local Rho-based contraction induces cortical-flow-based remodeling of membrane-to-cortex interactions leading to PIP2 release, PIP3 generation, and Rac activation at the opposite side of the cell. We develop a minimal unifying mechanochemical model of the cell to explain how this long-range mechanical facilitation complements local biochemical inhibition to enable robust global Rho and Rac partitioning. Finally, we validate the importance of this long-range facilitation in the context of chemoattractant-based cell polarization and migration in primary human lymphocytes. Our findings demonstrate that the actin cortex and plasma membrane function as an integrated mechanochemical system for long-range partitioning of Rac and Rho during cell migration and likely other cellular contexts.

A sensitive red/far-red photoswitch for controllable gene therapy in mouse models of metabolic diseases.

red DrBphP Hana3A HEK293T HeLa hMSCs mouse in vivo Transgene expression
bioRxiv, 2 Oct 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.30.615971 Link to full text
Abstract: Red light optogenetic systems are in high demand for the precise control of gene expression for gene- and cell-based therapies. Here, we report a red/far-red light-inducible photoswitch (REDLIP) system based on the chimeric photosensory protein FnBphP (Fn-REDLIP) or PnBphP (Pn-REDLIP) and their interaction partner LDB3, which enables efficient dynamic regulation of gene expression with a timescale of seconds without exogenous administration of a chromophore in mammals. We used the REDLIP system to establish the REDLIP-mediated CRISPR-dCas9 (REDLIPcas) system, enabling optogenetic activation of endogenous target genes in mammalian cells and mice. The REDLIP system is small enough to support packaging into adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), facilitating its therapeutic application. Demonstrating its capacity to treat metabolic diseases, we show that an AAV-delivered Fn-REDLIP system achieved optogenetic control of insulin expression to effectively lower blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes model mice and control an anti-obesity therapeutic protein (thymic stromal lymphopoietin, TSLP) to reduce body weight in obesity model mice. REDLIP is a compact and sensitive optogenetic tool for reversible and non-invasive control that can facilitate basic biological and biomedical research.

Singlet oxygen-mediated photochemical cross-linking of an engineered fluorescent flavoprotein iLOV.

blue LOV domains Background
J Biol Chem, 30 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107845 Link to full text
Abstract: Genetically-encoded photoactive proteins are integral tools in modern biochemical and molecular biological research. Within this tool box, truncated variants of the phototropin 2 light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) flavoprotein have been developed to photochemically generate singlet oxygen (1O2) in vitro and in vivo, yet the effect of 1O2 on these genetically encoded photosensitizers remains underexplored. In this study, we demonstrate that the "improved" LOV (iLOV) flavoprotein is capable of photochemical 1O2 generation. Once generated, 1O2 induces protein oligomerization via covalent cross-linking. The molecular targets of protein oligomerization by cross-linking are not endogenous tryptophans or tyrosines, but rather primarily histidines. Substitution of surface-exposed histidines for serine or glycine residues effectively eliminates protein cross-linking. When used in biochemical applications, such protein-protein cross-links may interfere with native biological responses to 1O2, which can be ameliorated by substitution of the surface exposed histidines of iLOV or other 1O2-generating flavoproteins.

Insertion of fluorescent proteins near the plug domain of MotB generates functional stator complex.

blue LOV domains Background
bioRxiv, 27 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.27.615325 Link to full text
Abstract: Many bacteria swim by the rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). The BFM is powered by proton translocation across the inner membrane through the hetero-heptameric MotA5MotB2 protein complex. Two periplasmic domains of MotB are critical in activating BFM rotation: (1) the peptidoglycan binding (PGB) domain that anchors MotB in the peptidoglycan layer and (2) the plug domain that modulates the proton flow. Existing cytoplasmic fluorescent probes have been shown to negatively affect motor rotation and switching. Here we inserted a fluorescent probe in the periplasm near the plug of MotB in an attempt to circumvent issues with cytoplasmic probes and for possible use in observing the mechanism of plug-based regulation of proton flow. We inserted green fluorescent protein (GFP) and iLOV, a fluorescent version of the light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain, in four periplasmic locations in MotB. Insertions near the plug retained motility but showed limited fluorescence for both fluorophores. Additional short, flexible glycine-serine (GS) linkers improved motility but did not improve brightness. Further optimization is necessary to improve the fluorescence of these periplasmic probes.

OptoAssay-Light-controlled dynamic bioassay using optogenetic switches.

red PhyB/PIF6 in vitro Extracellular optogenetics
Sci Adv, 25 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adp0911 Link to full text
Abstract: Circumventing the limitations of current bioassays, we introduce a light-controlled assay, OptoAssay, toward wash- and pump-free point-of-care diagnostics. Extending the capabilities of standard bioassays with light-dependent and reversible interaction of optogenetic switches, OptoAssays enable a bidirectional movement of assay components, only by changing the wavelength of light. Demonstrating exceptional versatility, the OptoAssay showcases its efficacy on various substrates, delivering a dynamic bioassay format. The applicability of the OptoAssay is successfully demonstrated by the calibration of a competitive model assay, resulting in a superior limit of detection of 8 pg ml-1, which is beyond those of conventional ELISA tests. In the future, combined with smartphones, OptoAssays could obviate the need for external flow control systems such as pumps or valves and signal readout devices, enabling on-site analysis in resource-limited settings.

Mechanosensitive recruitment of Vinculin maintains junction integrity and barrier function at epithelial tricellular junctions.

blue TULIP Xenopus in vivo Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
Curr Biol, 24 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.08.060 Link to full text
Abstract: Apical cell-cell junctions, including adherens junctions and tight junctions, adhere epithelial cells to one another and regulate selective permeability at both bicellular junctions and tricellular junctions (TCJs). Although several specialized proteins are known to localize at TCJs, it remains unclear how actomyosin-mediated tension transmission at TCJs contributes to the maintenance of junction integrity and barrier function at these sites. Here, utilizing the embryonic epithelium of gastrula-stage Xenopus laevis embryos, we define a mechanism by which the mechanosensitive protein Vinculin helps anchor the actomyosin network at TCJs, thus maintaining TCJ integrity and barrier function. Using an optogenetic approach to acutely increase junctional tension, we find that Vinculin is mechanosensitively recruited to apical junctions immediately surrounding TCJs. In Vinculin knockdown (KD) embryos, junctional actomyosin intensity is decreased and becomes disorganized at TCJs. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we show that Vinculin KD reduces actin stability at TCJs and destabilizes Angulin-1, a key tricellular tight junction protein involved in regulating barrier function at TCJs. When Vinculin KD embryos are subjected to increased tension, TCJ integrity is not maintained, filamentous actin (F-actin) morphology at TCJs is disrupted, and breaks in the signal of the tight junction protein ZO-1 signal are detected. Finally, using a live imaging barrier assay, we detect increased barrier leaks at TCJs in Vinculin KD embryos. Together, our findings show that Vinculin-mediated actomyosin organization is required to maintain junction integrity and barrier function at TCJs and reveal new information about the interplay between adhesion and barrier function at TCJs.

Optogenetic Tools for Regulating RNA Metabolism and Functions.

blue red Cryptochromes LOV domains Phytochromes Review
Chembiochem, 24 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202400615 Link to full text
Abstract: RNA molecules play a vital role in linking genetic information with various cellular processes. In recent years, a variety of optogenetic tools have been engineered for regulating cellular RNA metabolism and functions. These highly desirable tools can offer non-intrusive control with spatial precision, remote operation, and biocompatibility. Here, we would like to review these currently available approaches that can regulate RNAs with light: from non-genetically encodable chemically modified oligonucleotides to genetically encoded RNA aptamers that recognize photosensitive small-molecule or protein ligands. Some key applications of these optogenetic tools will also be highlighted to illustrate how they have been used for regulating all aspects of the RNA life cycle: from RNA synthesis, maturation, modification, and translation to their degradation, localization, and phase separation control. Some current challenges and potential practical utilizations of these RNA optogenetic tools will also be discussed.

Simultaneous spectral illumination of microplates for high-throughput optogenetics and photobiology.

blue red bPAC (BlaC) DmPGC YtvA E. coli HEK293T Transgene expression
Biol Chem, 23 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1515/hsz-2023-0205 Link to full text
Abstract: The biophysical characterization and engineering of optogenetic tools and photobiological systems has been hampered by the lack of efficient methods for spectral illumination of microplates for high-throughput analysis of action spectra. Current methods to determine action spectra only allow the sequential spectral illumination of individual wells. Here we present the open-source RainbowCap-system, which combines LEDs and optical filters in a standard 96-well microplate format for simultaneous and spectrally defined illumination. The RainbowCap provides equal photon flux for each wavelength, with the output of the LEDs narrowed by optical bandpass filters. We validated the RainbowCap for photoactivatable G protein-coupled receptors (opto-GPCRs) and enzymes for the control of intracellular downstream signaling. The simultaneous, spectrally defined illumination provides minimal interruption during time-series measurements, while resolving 10 nm differences in the action spectra of optogenetic proteins under identical experimental conditions. The RainbowCap is also suitable for studying the spectral dependence of light-regulated gene expression in bacteria, which requires illumination over several hours. In summary, the RainbowCap provides high-throughput spectral illumination of microplates, while its modular, customizable design allows easy adaptation to a wide range of optogenetic and photobiological applications.

In Vivo Optogenetics Based on Heavy Metal-Free Photon Upconversion Nanoparticles.

blue Magnets mouse in vivo primary mouse cortical neurons Transgene expression
Adv Mater, 23 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202405509 Link to full text
Abstract: Photon upconversion (UC) from red or near-infrared (NIR) light to blue light is promising for in vivo optogenetics. However, the examples of in vivo optogenetics have been limited to lanthanide inorganic UC nanoparticles, and there have been no examples of optogenetics without using heavy metals. Here the first example of in vivo optogenetics using biocompatible heavy metal-free TTA-UC nanoemulsions is shown. A new organic TADF sensitizer, a boron difluoride curcuminoid derivative modified with a bromo group, can promote intersystem crossing to the excited triplet state, significantly improving TTA-UC efficiency. The TTA-UC nanoparticles formed from biocompatible surfactants and methyl oleate acquire water dispersibility and remarkable oxygen tolerance. By combining with genome engineering technology using the blue light-responding photoactivatable Cre-recombinase (PA-Cre), TTA-UC nanoparticles promote Cre-reporter EGFP expression in neurons in vitro and in vivo. The results open new opportunities toward deep-tissue control of neural activities based on heavy metal-free fully organic UC systems.

Precision in situ cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy of optogenetically-positioned organelles.

blue CRY2/CIB1 PtK2 (NBL-5) Control of vesicular transport Organelle manipulation
J Cell Sci, 23 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1242/jcs.262163 Link to full text
Abstract: Unambiguous targeting of cellular structures for in situ cryo-electron microscopy in the heterogeneous, dense, and compacted environment of the cytoplasm remains challenging. Here we have developed a cryogenic correlative light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM) workflow which combines thin cells grown on a mechanically defined substratum to rapidly analyse organelles and macromolecular complexes by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). We coupled these advancements with optogenetics to redistribute perinuclear-localised organelles to the cell periphery, allowing visualisation of organelles otherwise positioned in cellular regions too thick for cryo-ET. This reliable and robust workflow allows for fast in situ analyses without the requirement for cryo-focused ion beam milling. Using this protocol, cells can be frozen, imaged by cryo-fluorescence microscopy and be ready for batch cryo-ET within a day.

Rapid and reversible regulation of cell cycle progression in budding yeast using optogenetics.

blue EL222 S. cerevisiae Cell cycle control
bioRxiv, 22 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.21.614242 Link to full text
Abstract: The regulatory complexity of the eukaryotic cell cycle poses technical challenges in experiment design and data interpretation, leaving gaps in our understanding of how cells coordinate cell cycle-related processes. Traditional methods, such as knockouts and deletions are often ineffective to compensatory interactions in the cell cycle control network, while chemical agents that cause cell cycle arrest can have undesired pleiotropic effects. Synthetic inducible systems targeting specific cell cycle regulators offer potential solutions but are limited by the need for external inducers, which make fast reversibility technically challenging. To address these issues, we developed an optogenetic tool (OPTO-Cln2) that enables light-controlled and reversible regulation of G1 progression in budding yeast. Through extensive validation and benchmarking via time-lapse microscopy, we verify that OPTO-Cln2-carrying strains can rapidly toggle between normal and altered G1 progression. By integrating OPTO-Cln2 with a readout of nutrient-sensing pathways (TORC1 and PKA), we show that the oscillatory activity of these pathways is tightly coordinated with G1 progression. Finally, we demonstrate that the rapid reversibility of OPTO-Cln2 facilitates multiple cycles of synchronous arrest and release of liquid cell cultures. Our work provides a powerful new approach for studying cell cycle dynamics and the coordination of growth- with division-related processes.

Inward transport of organelles drives outward migration of the spindle during C. elegans meiosis.

blue iLID C. elegans in vivo Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 20 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.19.613972 Link to full text
Abstract: Cortical positioning of the meiotic spindle within an oocyte is required to expel chromosomes into polar bodies to generate a zygote with the correct number of chromosomes. In C. elegans, yolk granules and mitochondria are packed inward, away from the cortex while the spindle moves outward, both in a kinesin-dependent manner. The kinesin-dependent inward packing of yolk granules suggests the existence of microtubules with minus ends at the cortex and plus ends extending inward, making it unclear how kinesin moves the spindle outward. We hypothesized that inward packing of organelles might indirectly force the spindle outward by volume exclusion. To test this hypothesis, we generated a strain in which the only kinesin consists of motor domains with no cargo-binding tail optogenetically attached to mitochondria. This mitochondria-only kinesin packed mitochondria into a tight ball and efficiently moved the meiotic spindle to the cortex, supporting the volume exclusion hypothesis.

Local optogenetic NMYII activation within the zebrafish neural rod results in long-range, asymmetric force propagation.

red PhyB/PIF6 zebrafish in vivo Signaling cascade control Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 19 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.19.613826 Link to full text
Abstract: How do cellular forces propagate through tissue to allow large-scale morphogenetic events? To investigate this question, we use an in vivo optogenetic approach to reversibly manipulate actomyosin contractility at depth within the developing zebrafish neural rod. Contractility was induced along the lateral cortices of a small patch of developing neural epithelial progenitor cells, resulting in a shortening of these cells along their mediolateral axis. Imaging the immediate response of surrounding tissue uncovered a long-range, tangential, and elastic tissue deformation along the anterior-posterior axis. Unexpectedly, this was highly asymmetric, propagating in either the anterior or the posterior direction in response to local gradients in optogenetic activation. The degree of epithelialisation did not have a significant impact on the extent of force propagation via lateral cortices. We also uncovered a dynamic oscillatory expansion and contraction of the tissue along the anterior-posterior axis, with wavelength matching rhombomere length. Together, this study suggests dynamic and wave-like propagation of force between rhombomeres along the anterior-posterior axis. It also suggests that cell generated forces are actively propagated over long distances within the tissue, and that local anisotropies in tissue organisation and contractility may be sufficient to drive directional force propagation.

Notch1 Phase Separation Coupled Percolation facilitates target gene expression and enhancer looping.

blue AsLOV2 CRY2/CIB1 CUTLL1 HEK293 Endogenous gene expression Organelle manipulation
Sci Rep, 19 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71634-6 Link to full text
Abstract: The Notch receptor is a pleiotropic signaling protein that translates intercellular ligand interactions into changes in gene expression via the nuclear localization of the Notch intracellular Domain (NICD). Using a combination of immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ, Optogenetics and super-resolution live imaging of transcription in human cells, we show that the N1ICD can form condensates that positively facilitate Notch target gene expression. We determined that N1ICD undergoes Phase Separation Coupled Percolation (PSCP) into transcriptional condensates, which recruit, enrich, and encapsulate a broad set of core transcriptional proteins. We show that the capacity for condensation is due to the intrinsically disordered transcriptional activation domain of the N1ICD. In addition, the formation of such transcriptional condensates acts to promote Notch-mediated super enhancer-looping and concomitant activation of the MYC protooncogene expression. Overall, we introduce a novel mechanism of Notch1 activity in which discrete changes in nuclear N1ICD abundance are translated into the assembly of transcriptional condensates that facilitate gene expression by enriching essential transcriptional machineries at target genomic loci.

Atomistic mechanisms of the regulation of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (SK2) by PIP2.

blue CRY2/CIB1 CHO rabbit cardiomyocytes Immediate control of second messengers
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 17 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2318900121 Link to full text
Abstract: Small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SK, KCa2) are gated solely by intracellular microdomain Ca2+. The channel has emerged as a therapeutic target for cardiac arrhythmias. Calmodulin (CaM) interacts with the CaM binding domain (CaMBD) of the SK channels, serving as the obligatory Ca2+ sensor to gate the channels. In heterologous expression systems, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) coordinates with CaM in regulating SK channels. However, the roles and mechanisms of PIP2 in regulating SK channels in cardiomyocytes remain unknown. Here, optogenetics, magnetic nanoparticles, combined with Rosetta structural modeling, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed the atomistic mechanisms of how PIP2 works in concert with Ca2+-CaM in the SK channel activation. Our computational study affords evidence for the critical role of the amino acid residue R395 in the S6 transmembrane segment, which is localized in propinquity to the intracellular hydrophobic gate. This residue forms a salt bridge with residue E398 in the S6 transmembrane segment from the adjacent subunit. Both R395 and E398 are conserved in all known isoforms of SK channels. Our findings suggest that the binding of PIP2 to R395 residue disrupts the R395:E398 salt bridge, increasing the flexibility of the transmembrane segment S6 and the activation of the channel. Importantly, our findings serve as a platform for testing of structural-based drug designs for therapeutic inhibitors and activators of the SK channel family. The study is timely since inhibitors of SK channels are currently in clinical trials to treat atrial arrhythmias.

PIP5K-Ras bistability initiates plasma membrane symmetry breaking to regulate cell polarity and migration.

blue CRY2/CIB1 iLID D. discoideum HL-60 MDA-MB-231 RAW264.7 Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape
bioRxiv, 15 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.15.613115 Link to full text
Abstract: Symmetry breaking, polarity establishment, and spontaneous cell protrusion formation are fundamental but poorly explained cell behaviors. Here, we demonstrate that a biochemical network, where the mutually inhibitory localization of PIP5K and Ras activities plays a central role, governs these processes. First, in resting cells devoid of cytoskeletal activity, PIP5K is uniformly elevated on the plasma membrane, while Ras activity remains minimal. Symmetry is broken by spontaneous local displacements of PIP5K, coupled with simultaneous activations of Ras and downstream signaling events, including PI3K activation. Second, knockout of PIP5K dramatically increases both the incidence and size of Ras-PI3K activation patches, accompanied by branched F-actin assembly. This leads to enhanced cortical wave formation, increased protrusive activity, and a shift in migration mode. Third, high inducible overexpression of PIP5K virtually eliminates Ras-PI3K signaling, cytoskeletal activity, and cell migration, while acute recruitment of cytosolic PIP5K to the membrane induces contraction and blebs in cancer cells. These arrested phenotypes are reversed by reducing myosin II activity, indicating myosin’s involvement in the PIP5K-Ras-centered regulatory network. Remarkably, low inducible overexpression of PIP5K unexpectedly facilitates polarity establishment, highlighting PIP5K as a highly sensitive master regulator of these processes. Simulations of a computational model combining an excitable system, cytoskeletal loops, and dynamic partitioning of PIP5K recreates the experimental observations. Taken together, our results reveal that a bistable, mutually exclusive localization of PIP5K and active Ras on the plasma membrane triggers the initial symmetry breaking. Coupled actomyosin reduction and increased actin polymerization lead to intermittently extended protrusions and, with feedback from the cytoskeleton, self-organizing, complementary gradients of PIP5K versus Ras steepen, raising the threshold of the networks at the rear and lowering it at the front to generate polarity for cell migration.

C9orf72 poly-PR forms anisotropic condensates causative of nuclear TDP-43 pathology.

blue CRY2/CRY2 CRY2olig HeLa hESCs Organelle manipulation
iScience, 14 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110937 Link to full text
Abstract: Proteinaceous inclusions formed by C9orf72-derived dipeptide-repeat (DPR) proteins are a histopathological hallmark in ∼50% of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/frontotemporal dementia (ALS/FTD) cases. However, DPR aggregation/inclusion formation could not be efficiently recapitulated in cell models for four out of five DPRs. In this study, using optogenetics, we achieved chemical-free poly-PR condensation/aggregation in cultured cells including human motor neurons, with spatial and temporal control. Strikingly, nuclear poly-PR condensates had anisotropic, hollow-center appearance, resembling TDP-43 anisosomes, and their growth was limited by RNA. These condensates induced abnormal TDP-43 granulation in the nucleus without stress response activation. Cytoplasmic poly-PR aggregates forming under prolonged opto-stimulation were more persistent than its nuclear condensates, selectively sequestered TDP-43 in a demixed state and surrounded spontaneous stress granules. Thus, poly-PR condensation accompanied by nuclear TDP-43 dysfunction may constitute an early pathological event in C9-ALS/FTD. Anisosome-type condensates of disease-linked proteins may represent a common molecular species in neurodegenerative disease.

Systems mapping of bidirectional endosomal transport through the crowded cell.

blue iLID MEL-JUSO Control of vesicular transport
Curr Biol, 13 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.08.026 Link to full text
Abstract: Kinesin and dynein-dynactin motors move endosomes and other vesicles bidirectionally along microtubules, a process mainly studied under in vitro conditions. Here, we provide a physiological bidirectional transport model following color-coded, endogenously tagged transport-related proteins as they move through a crowded cellular environment. Late endosomes (LEs) surf bidirectionally on Protrudin-enriched endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane contact sites, while hopping and gliding along microtubules and bypassing cellular obstacles, such as mitochondria. During bidirectional transport, late endosomes do not switch between opposing Rab7 GTPase effectors, RILP and FYCO1, or their associated dynein and KIF5B motor proteins, respectively. In the endogenous setting, far fewer motors associate with endosomal membranes relative to effectors, implying coordination of transport with other aspects of endosome physiology through GTPase-regulated mechanisms. We find that directionality of transport is provided in part by various microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), including MID1, EB1, and CEP169, which recruit Lis1-activated dynein motors to microtubule plus ends for transport of early and late endosomal populations. At these microtubule plus ends, activated dynein motors encounter the dynactin subunit p150glued and become competent for endosomal capture and minus-end movement in collaboration with membrane-associated Rab7-RILP. We show that endosomes surf over the ER through the crowded cell and move bidirectionally under the control of MAPs for motor activation and through motor replacement and capture by endosomal anchors.

Plant Phytochrome Interactions Decode Light and Temperature Signals.

red Phytochromes A. thaliana leaf protoplasts CHO-K1 in vitro Background
Plant Cell, 11 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koae249 Link to full text
Abstract: Plant phytochromes perceive red and far-red light to elicit adaptations to the changing environment. Downstream physiological responses revolve around red-light-induced interactions with phytochrome-interacting factors (PIF). Phytochromes double as thermoreceptors, owing to the pronounced temperature dependence of thermal reversion from the light-adapted Pfr to the dark-adapted Pr state. Here, we assess whether thermoreception may extend to the phytochrome:PIF interactions. While the association between Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PHYTOCHROME B (PhyB) and several PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) variants moderately accelerates with temperature, the dissociation does more so, thus causing net destabilization of the phytochrome:PIF complex. Markedly different temperature profiles of PIF3 and PIF6 might underlie stratified temperature responses in plants. Accidentally, we identify a photoreception mechanism under strong continuous light, where the extent of phytochrome:PIF complexation decreases with red-light intensity rather than increases. Mathematical modeling rationalizes this attenuation mechanism and ties it to rapid red-light-driven Pr⇄Pfr interconversion and complex dissociation out of Pr. Varying phytochrome abundance, e.g., during diurnal and developmental cycles, and interaction dynamics, e.g., across different PIFs, modify the nature and extent of attenuation, thus permitting light-response profiles more malleable than possible for the phytochrome Pr⇄Pfr interconversion alone. Our data and analyses reveal a photoreception mechanism with implications for plant physiology, optogenetics, and biotechnological applications.

Red-Shifting B12-Dependent Photoreceptor Protein via Optical Coupling for Inducible Living Materials.

green TtCBD in vitro Control of cell-cell / cell-material interactions
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 6 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411105 Link to full text
Abstract: Cobalamin (B12)-dependent photoreceptors are gaining traction in materials synthetic biology, especially for optically controlling cell-to-cell adhesion in living materials. However, these proteins are mostly responsive to green light, limiting their deep-tissue applications. Here, we present a general strategy for shifting photoresponse of B12-dependent photoreceptor CarHC from green to red/far-red light via optical coupling. Using thiol-maleimide click chemistry, we labeled cysteine-containing CarHC mutants with SulfoCyanine5 (Cy5), a red light-capturing fluorophore. The resulting photoreceptors not only retained the ability to tetramerize in the presence of adenosylcobalamin (AdoB12), but also gained sensitivity to red light; labeled tetramers disassembled on red light exposure. Using genetically encoded click chemistry, we assembled the red-shifted proteins into hydrogels that degraded rapidly in response to red light. Furthermore, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were genetically engineered to display CarHC variants, which, alongside in situ Cy5 labeling, led to living materials that could assemble and disassemble in response to AdoB12 and red light, respectively. These results illustrate the CarHC spectrally tuned by optical coupling as a versatile motif for dynamically controlling cell-to-cell interactions within engineered living materials. Given their prevalence and ecological diversity in nature, this spectral tuning method will expand the use of B12-dependent photoreceptors in optogenetics and living materials.

Modulating Polymerase Activity through Light-Oxygen-Voltage Domain Insertion.

blue LOV domains Background
Chembiochem, 4 Sep 2024 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202400536 Link to full text
Abstract: Biochemical reaction networks adapt to environmental conditions by sensing chemical or physical stimuli and using tightly controlled mechanisms. While most signals come from molecules, many cells can also sense and respond to light. Among the biomolecular structures that enable light sensing, we selected a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain in a previous study that tested the engineering of novel regulatory mechanisms into a nucleic acid polymerase. In this follow-up study, we studied the activities of previously selected variants in kinetic detail, and we generated additional LOV-polymerase fusion variants based on further insertion criteria. Our results provide mechanistic insights into how LOV domain insertion influences polymerase activity in a light-responsive manner: All active and photoresponsive enzyme variants studied by us to date were partially inhibited (i.e., "turned off") after irradiation with blue light at 470 nm, which can be explained by specific obstructions of the polymerase entry or exit structures (substrate entry channels or product exit channels, or both). Although the effects observed are moderate, we anticipate further engineering strategies that could be used to improve the extent of switchability and possibly to develop a "turn-on mode" insertion.
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