Curated Optogenetic Publication Database

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Dimerization activates the Inversin complex in C. elegans.

blue VVD Signaling cascade control Developmental processes
Mol Biol Cell, 7 Aug 2024 DOI: 10.1091/mbc.e24-05-0218 Link to full text
Abstract: Genetic, colocalization, and biochemical studies suggest that the ankyrin repeat-containing proteins Inversin (INVS) and ANKS6 function with the NEK8 kinase to control tissue patterning and maintain organ physiology. It is unknown whether these three proteins assemble into a static “Inversin complex” or one that adopts multiple bioactive forms. Through characterization of hyperactive alleles in C. elegans, we discovered that the Inversin complex is activated by dimerization. Genome engineering of an RFP tag onto the nematode homologues of INVS (MLT-4) and NEK8 (NEKL-2) induced a gain-of-function, cyst-like phenotype that was suppressed by monomerization of the fluorescent tag. Stimulated dimerization of MLT-4 or NEKL-2 using optogenetics was sufficient to recapitulate the phenotype of a constitutively active Inversin complex. Further, dimerization of NEKL-2 bypassed a lethal MLT-4 mutant, demonstrating that the dimeric form is required for function. We propose that dynamic switching between at least two functionally distinct states–-an active dimer and an inactive monomer–-gates the output of the Inversin complex.

Reshaping tumor microenvironment by regulating local cytokines expression with a portable smart blue-light controlled device.

blue VVD P815 Transgene expression
Commun Biol, 29 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-06566-y Link to full text
Abstract: Cytokines have attracted sustained attention due to their multi-functional cellular response in immunotherapy. However, their application was limited to their short half-time, narrow therapeutic window, and undesired side effects. To address this issue, we developed a portable smart blue-light controlled (PSLC) device based on optogenetic technology. By combining this PSLC device with blue-light controlled gene modules, we successfully achieved the targeted regulation of cytokine expression within the tumor microenvironment. To alter the tumor microenvironment of solid tumors, pro-inflammatory cytokines were selected as blue-light controlled molecules. The results show that blue-light effectively regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines both in vitro and in vivo. This strategy leads to enhanced and activated tumor-infiltrating immune cells, which facilitated to overcome the immunosuppressive microenvironment, resulting in significant tumor shrinkage in tumor-bearing mice. Hence, our study offers a unique strategy for cytokine therapy and a convenient device for animal studies in optogenetic immunotherapy.

Optogenetic control of a horizontally acquired region in yeast prevent stuck fermentations.

blue NcWC1-LOV VVD S. cerevisiae Endogenous gene expression
bioRxiv, 9 Jul 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.09.602721 Link to full text
Abstract: Nitrogen limitations in the grape must is the main cause of stuck fermentations during the winemaking process. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a genetic segment known as region A, which harbors 12 protein-coding genes, was acquired horizontally from a phylogenetically distant yeast species. This region is mainly present in the genome of wine yeast strains, carrying genes that have been associated with nitrogen utilization. Despite the putative importance of region A in yeast fermentation, its contribution to the fermentative process is largely unknown. In this work, we used a wine yeast strain to evaluate the contribution of region A to the fermentation process. To do this, we first sequenced the genome of the wine yeast strain known as ‘ALL’ using long-read sequencing and determined that region A is present in a single copy with two possible subtelomeric locations. We then implemented an optogenetic system in this wine yeast strain to precisely regulate the expression of each gene inside this region, generating a collection of 12 strains that allow for light- activated gene expression. To evaluate the role of these genes during fermentation, we assayed this collection using microculture and fermentation experiments in synthetic must with varying amounts of nitrogen concentration. Our results show that changes in gene expression for genes within this region can impact growth parameters and fermentation rate. We additionally found that the expression of various genes in region A is necessary to complete the fermentation process and prevent stuck fermentations under low nitrogen conditions. Altogether, our optogenetics-based approach demonstrates the importance of region A in completing fermentation under nitrogen-limited conditions.

Illuminating morphogen and patterning dynamics with optogenetic control of morphogen production.

blue VVD mESCs Cell differentiation Endogenous gene expression
bioRxiv, 11 Jun 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.11.598403 Link to full text
Abstract: Cells use dynamic spatial and temporal cues to instruct cell fate decisions during development. Morphogens are key examples, where the concentration and duration of morphogen exposure produce distinct cell fates that drive tissue patterning. Studying the dynamics of these processes has been challenging. Here, we establish an optogenetic system for morphogen production that enables the investigation of developmental patterning in vitro. Using a tunable light-inducible gene expression system, we generate long-range Shh gradients that pattern neural progenitors into spatially distinct progenitor domains mimicking the spatial arrangement of neural progenitors found in vivo during vertebrate neural tube development. With this system, we investigate how biochemical features of Shh and the presence of morphogen-interacting proteins affect the patterning length scale. We measure tissue clearance rates, revealing that Shh has an extracellular half-life of about 1h, and we probe how the level and duration of morphogen exposure govern the acquisition and maintenance of cell fates. The rate of Shh turnover is substantially faster than the downstream gene expression dynamics, indicating that the gradient is continually renewed during patterning. Together the optogenetic approach establishes a simple experimental system for the quantitative interrogation of morphogen patterning. Controlling morphogen dynamics in a reproducible manner provides a framework to dissect the interplay between biochemical cues, the biophysics of gradient formation, and the transcriptional programmes underlying developmental patterning.

Red light responsive Cre recombinase for bacterial optogenetics.

blue red PhyA/FHY1 VVD E. coli Nucleic acid editing Multichromatic
bioRxiv, 31 May 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.30.596707 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic tools have been used in a wide range of microbial engineering applications that benefit from the tunable, spatiotemporal control that light affords. However, the majority of current optogenetic constructs for bacteria respond to blue light, limiting the potential for multichromatic control. In addition, other wavelengths offer potential benefits over blue light, including improved penetration of dense cultures and reduced potential for toxicity. In this study, we introduce OptoCre-REDMAP, a red light inducible Cre recombinase system in Escherichia coli. This system harnesses the plant photoreceptors PhyA and FHY1 and a split version of Cre recombinase to achieve precise control over gene expression and DNA excision in bacteria. We optimized the design by modifying the start codon of Cre and characterized the impact of different levels of induction to find conditions that produced minimal basal expression in the dark and full activation within four hours of red light exposure. We characterized the system’s sensitivity to ambient light, red light intensity, and exposure time, finding OptoCre-REDMAP to be reliable and flexible across a range of conditions. The system exhibits robust light-sensitive behavior, responding to red light while remaining inactive under blue light, making it suitable for future applications in synthetic biology that require multichromatic control.

Spatiotemporally controlled Pseudomonas exotoxin transgene system combined with multifunctional nanoparticles for breast cancer antimetastatic therapy.

blue VVD 4T1 HCT116 HUVEC mouse in vivo NCTC clone 929 Transgene expression
J Control Release, 25 Jan 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2023.08.011 Link to full text
Abstract: The tumor microenvironment is a barrier to breast cancer therapy. Cancer-associated fibroblast cells (CAFs) can support tumor proliferation, metastasis, and drug resistance by secreting various cytokines and growth factors. Abnormal angiogenesis provides sufficient nutrients for tumor proliferation. Considering that CAFs express the sigma receptor (which recognizes anisamide, AA), we developed a CAFs and breast cancer cells dual-targeting nano drug delivery system to transport the LightOn gene express system, a spatiotemporal controlled gene expression consisting of a light-sensitive transcription factor and a specific minimal promoter. We adopted RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) to selectively bind to the αvβ3 integrin on activated vascular endothelial cells and tumor cells. After the LightOn system has reached the tumor site, LightOn gene express system can spatiotemporal controllably express toxic Pseudomonas exotoxin An under blue light irradiation. The LightOn gene express system, combined with multifunctional nanoparticles, achieved high targeting delivery efficiency both in vitro and in vivo. It also displayed strong tumor and CAFs inhibition, anti-angiogenesis ability and anti-metastasis ability, with good safety. Moreover, it improved survival rate, survival time, and lung metastasis rate in a mouse breast cancer model. This study proves the efficacy of combining the LightOn system with targeted multifunctional nanoparticles in tumor and anti-metastatic therapy and provides new insights into tumor microenvironment regulation.

Photoactivation of LOV domains with chemiluminescence.

blue BcLOV4 iLID Magnets VVD in vitro Extracellular optogenetics
Chem Sci, 11 Dec 2023 DOI: 10.1039/d3sc04815b Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics has opened new possibilities in the remote control of diverse cellular functions with high spatiotemporal precision using light. However, delivering light to optically non-transparent systems remains a challenge. Here, we describe the photoactivation of light-oxygen-voltage-sensing domains (LOV domains) with in situ generated light from a chemiluminescence reaction between luminol and H2O2. This activation is possible due to the spectral overlap between the blue chemiluminescence emission and the absorption bands of the flavin chromophore in LOV domains. All four LOV domain proteins with diverse backgrounds and structures (iLID, BcLOV4, nMagHigh/pMagHigh, and VVDHigh) were photoactivated by chemiluminescence as demonstrated using a bead aggregation assay. The photoactivation with chemiluminescence required a critical light-output below which the LOV domains reversed back to their dark state with protein characteristic kinetics. Furthermore, spatially confined chemiluminescence produced inside giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) was able to photoactivate proteins both on the membrane and in solution, leading to the recruitment of the corresponding proteins to the GUV membrane. Finally, we showed that reactive oxygen species produced by neutrophil like cells can be converted into sufficient chemiluminescence to recruit the photoswitchable protein BcLOV4-mCherry from solution to the cell membrane. The findings highlight the utility of chemiluminescence as an endogenous light source for optogenetic applications, offering new possibilities for studying cellular processes in optically non-transparent systems.

Spatiotemporal control of RNA metabolism and CRISPR-Cas functions using engineered photoswitchable RNA-binding proteins.

blue VVD HEK293 HEK293T mouse in vivo zebrafish in vivo
Nat Protoc, 30 Nov 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41596-023-00920-w Link to full text
Abstract: RNA molecules perform various crucial roles in diverse cellular processes, from translating genetic information to decoding the genome, regulating gene expression and catalyzing chemical reactions. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play an essential role in regulating the diverse behaviors and functions of RNA in live cells, but techniques for the spatiotemporal control of RBP activities and RNA functions are rarely reported yet highly desirable. We recently reported the development of LicV, a synthetic photoswitchable RBP that can bind to a specific RNA sequence in response to blue light irradiation. LicV has been used successfully for the optogenetic control of RNA localization, splicing, translation and stability, as well as for the photoswitchable regulation of transcription and genomic locus labeling. Compared to classical genetic or pharmacologic perturbations, LicV-based light-switchable effectors have the advantages of large dynamic range between dark and light conditions and submicron and millisecond spatiotemporal resolutions. In this protocol, we provide an easy, efficient and generalizable strategy for engineering photoswitchable RBPs for the spatiotemporal control of RNA metabolism. We also provide a detailed protocol for the conversion of a CRISPR-Cas system to optogenetic control. The protocols typically take 2-3 d, including transfection and results analysis. Most of this protocol is applicable to the development of novel LicV-based photoswitchable effectors for the optogenetic control of other RNA metabolisms and CRISPR-Cas functions.

Full-field exposure of larval zebrafish to narrow waveband LED light sources at defined power and energy for optogenetic applications.

blue VVD zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression
J Neurosci Methods, 31 Oct 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2023.110001 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic approaches in transparent zebrafish models have provided numerous insights into vertebrate neurobiology. The purpose of this study was to develop methods to activate light-sensitive transgene products simultaneously throughout an entire larval zebrafish.

Diya – a universal light illumination platform for multiwell plate cultures.

blue green CcaS/CcaR CRY2/CIB1 EL222 Magnets VVD E. coli HEK293T HeLa S. cerevisiae Transgene expression
iScience, 9 Sep 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107862 Link to full text
Abstract: Recent progress in protein engineering has established optogenetics as one of the leading external non-invasive stimulation strategies, with many optogenetic tools being designed for in vivo operation. Characterization and optimization of these tools require a high-throughput and versatile light delivery system targeting micro-titer culture volumes. Here, we present a universal light illumination platform – Diya, compatible with a wide range of cell culture plates and dishes. Diya hosts specially-designed features ensuring active thermal management, homogeneous illumination, and minimal light bleedthrough. It offers light induction programming via a user-friendly custom-designed GUI. Through extensive characterization experiments with multiple optogenetic tools in diverse model organisms (bacteria, yeast and human cell lines), we show that Diya maintains viable conditions for cell cultures undergoing light induction. Finally, we demonstrate an optogenetic strategy for in vivo biomolecular controller operation. With a custom-designed antithetic integral feedback circuit, we exhibit robust perfect adaptation and light-controlled set-point variation using Diya.

A biological camera that captures and stores images directly into DNA.

blue red PhyB/PIF3 VVD E. coli Nucleic acid editing Multichromatic
Nat Commun, 3 Jul 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38876-w Link to full text
Abstract: The increasing integration between biological and digital interfaces has led to heightened interest in utilizing biological materials to store digital data, with the most promising one involving the storage of data within defined sequences of DNA that are created by de novo DNA synthesis. However, there is a lack of methods that can obviate the need for de novo DNA synthesis, which tends to be costly and inefficient. Here, in this work, we detail a method of capturing 2-dimensional light patterns into DNA, by utilizing optogenetic circuits to record light exposure into DNA, encoding spatial locations with barcoding, and retrieving stored images via high-throughput next-generation sequencing. We demonstrate the encoding of multiple images into DNA, totaling 1152 bits, selective image retrieval, as well as robustness to drying, heat and UV. We also demonstrate successful multiplexing using multiple wavelengths of light, capturing 2 different images simultaneously using red and blue light. This work thus establishes a 'living digital camera', paving the way towards integrating biological systems with digital devices.

OPTO-BLUE: An Integrated Bidirectional Optogenetic Lentiviral Platform for Controlled Light-Induced Gene Expression.

blue VVD HEK293T Transgene expression
Int J Mol Sci, 31 May 2023 DOI: 10.3390/ijms24119537 Link to full text
Abstract: Regulated systems for transgene expression are useful tools in basic research and a promising platform in biomedicine due to their regulated transgene expression by an inducer. The emergence of optogenetics expression systems enabled the construction of light-switchable systems, enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of a transgene. The LightOn system is an optogenetic tool that regulates the expression of a gene of interest using blue light as an inducer. This system is based on a photosensitive protein (GAVPO), which dimerizes and binds to the UASG sequence in response to blue light, triggering the expression of a downstream transgene. Previously, we adapted the LightOn system to a dual lentiviral vector system for neurons. Here, we continue the optimization and assemble all components of the LightOn system into a single lentiviral plasmid, the OPTO-BLUE system. For functional validation, we used enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as an expression reporter (OPTO-BLUE-EGFP) and evaluated the efficiency of EGFP expression by transfection and transduction in HEK293-T cells exposed to continuous blue-light illumination. Altogether, these results prove that the optimized OPTO-BLUE system allows the light-controlled expression of a reporter protein according to a specific time and light intensity. Likewise, this system should provide an important molecular tool to modulate gene expression of any protein by blue light.

Controlling protein stability with SULI, a highly sensitive tag for stabilization upon light induction.

blue PtAU1-LOV VVD S. cerevisiae zebrafish in vivo Cell cycle control Developmental processes
Nat Commun, 15 Apr 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37830-0 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetics tools for precise temporal and spatial control of protein abundance are valuable in studying diverse complex biological processes. In the present study, we engineer a monomeric tag of stabilization upon light induction (SULI) for yeast and zebrafish based on a single light-oxygen-voltage domain from Neurospora crassa. Proteins of interest fused with SULI are stable upon light illumination but are readily degraded after transfer to dark conditions. SULI shows a high dynamic range and a high tolerance to fusion at different positions of the target protein. Further studies reveal that SULI-mediated degradation occurs through a lysine ubiquitination-independent proteasome pathway. We demonstrate the usefulness of SULI in controlling the cell cycle in yeast and regulating protein stability in zebrafish, respectively. Overall, our data indicate that SULI is a simple and robust tool to quantitatively and spatiotemporally modulate protein levels for biotechnological or biomedical applications.

A Single-Component Optogenetic Gal4-UAS System Allows Stringent Control of Gene Expression in Zebrafish and Drosophila.

blue VVD D. melanogaster in vivo HEK293 Schneider 2 zebrafish in vivo Transgene expression
ACS Synth Biol, 9 Mar 2023 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00410 Link to full text
Abstract: The light-regulated Gal4-UAS system has offered new ways to control cellular activities with precise spatial and temporal resolution in zebrafish and Drosophila. However, the existing optogenetic Gal4-UAS systems suffer from having multiple protein components and a dependence on extraneous light-sensitive cofactors, which increase the technical complexity and limit the portability of these systems. To overcome these limitations, we herein describe the development of a novel optogenetic Gal4-UAS system (ltLightOn) for both zebrafish and Drosophila based on a single light-switchable transactivator, termed GAVPOLT, which dimerizes and binds to gene promoters to activate transgene expression upon blue light illumination. The ltLightOn system is independent of exogenous cofactors and exhibits a more than 2400-fold ON/OFF gene expression ratio, allowing quantitative, spatial, and temporal control of gene expression. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the ltLightOn system in regulating zebrafish embryonic development by controlling the expression of lefty1 by light. We believe that this single-component optogenetic system will be immensely useful in understanding the gene function and behavioral circuits in zebrafish and Drosophila.

An optogenetic toolkit for light-inducible antibiotic resistance.

blue VVD E. coli Transgene expression Nucleic acid editing
Nat Commun, 23 Feb 2023 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36670-2 Link to full text
Abstract: Antibiotics are a key control mechanism for synthetic biology and microbiology. Resistance genes are used to select desired cells and regulate bacterial populations, however their use to-date has been largely static. Precise spatiotemporal control of antibiotic resistance could enable a wide variety of applications that require dynamic control of susceptibility and survival. Here, we use light-inducible Cre recombinase to activate expression of drug resistance genes in Escherichia coli. We demonstrate light-activated resistance to four antibiotics: carbenicillin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. Cells exposed to blue light survive in the presence of lethal antibiotic concentrations, while those kept in the dark do not. To optimize resistance induction, we vary promoter, ribosome binding site, and enzyme variant strength using chromosome and plasmid-based constructs. We then link inducible resistance to expression of a heterologous fatty acid enzyme to increase production of octanoic acid. These optogenetic resistance tools pave the way for spatiotemporal control of cell survival.

Spatiotemporally controllable diphtherin transgene system and neoantigen immunotherapy.

blue VVD B16-F10 mouse in vivo Transgene expression
J Control Release, 14 Feb 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.08.059 Link to full text
Abstract: Individualized immunotherapy has attracted great attention due to its high specificity, effectiveness, and safety. We used an exogenous antigen to label tumor cells with MHC I molecules, which allowed neoantigen-specific T cells to recognize and kill tumor cells. A neoantigen vaccine alone cannot achieve complete tumor clearance due to a tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment. The LightOn system was developed to effectively eliminate tumor cells through the spatiotemporally controllable expression of diphtheria toxin A fragment, leading to antigen release in the tumor region. These antigens stimulated and enhanced immunological function and thus, recruited neoantigen-specific T cells to infiltrate tumor tissue. Using the nanoparticle delivery system, neoantigens produced higher delivery efficiency to lymph nodes and improved tumor targeting ability for tumor cell labelling. Good tumor inhibition and prolonged survival were achieved, while eliciting a strong immune response. The combination of a spatiotemporally controllable transgene system with tumor neoantigen labeling has great potential for tumor immunotherapy.

Coupling Cell Communication and Optogenetics: Implementation of a Light-Inducible Intercellular System in Yeast.

blue VVD S. cerevisiae Signaling cascade control Transgene expression
ACS Synth Biol, 19 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00338 Link to full text
Abstract: Cell communication is a widespread mechanism in biology, allowing the transmission of information about environmental conditions. In order to understand how cell communication modulates relevant biological processes such as survival, division, differentiation, and apoptosis, different synthetic systems based on chemical induction have been successfully developed. In this work, we coupled cell communication and optogenetics in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our approach is based on two strains connected by the light-dependent production of α-factor pheromone in one cell type, which induces gene expression in the other type. After the individual characterization of the different variants of both strains, the optogenetic intercellular system was evaluated by combining the cells under contrasting illumination conditions. Using luciferase as a reporter gene, specific co-cultures at a 1:1 ratio displayed activation of the response upon constant blue light, which was not observed for the same cell mixtures grown in darkness. Then, the system was assessed at several dark/blue-light transitions, where the response level varies depending on the moment in which illumination was delivered. Furthermore, we observed that the amplitude of response can be tuned by modifying the initial ratio between both strains. Finally, the two-population system showed higher fold inductions in comparison with autonomous strains. Altogether, these results demonstrated that external light information is propagated through a diffusible signaling molecule to modulate gene expression in a synthetic system involving microbial cells, which will pave the road for studies allowing optogenetic control of population-level dynamics.

Enhancement of Vivid-based Photo-Activatable Gal4 Transcription Factor in Mammalian Cells.

blue VVD chicken in vivo EpH4 HEK293T mouse in vivo NIH/3T3 Transgene expression
Cell Struct Funct, 16 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.1247/csf.22074 Link to full text
Abstract: The Gal4/UAS system is a versatile tool to manipulate exogenous gene expression of cells spatially and temporally in many model organisms. Many variations of light-controllable Gal4/UAS system are now available, following the development of photo-activatable (PA) molecular switches and integration of these tools. However, many PA-Gal4 transcription factors have undesired background transcription activities even in dark conditions, and this severely attenuates reliable light-controlled gene expression. Therefore, it is important to develop reliable PA-Gal4 transcription factors with robust light-induced gene expression and limited background activity. By optimization of synthetic PA-Gal4 transcription factors, we have validated configurations of Gal4 DNA biding domain, transcription activation domain and blue light-dependent dimer formation molecule Vivid (VVD), and applied types of transcription activation domains to develop a new PA-Gal4 transcription factor we have named eGAV (enhanced Gal4-VVD transcription factor). Background activity of eGAV in dark conditions was significantly lower than that of hGAVPO, a commonly used PA-Gal4 transcription factor, and maximum light-induced gene expression levels were also improved. Light-controlled gene expression was verified in cultured HEK293T cells with plasmid-transient transfections, and in mouse EpH4 cells with lentivirus vector-mediated transduction. Furthermore, light-controlled eGAV-mediated transcription was confirmed in transfected neural stem cells and progenitors in developing and adult mouse brain and chick spinal cord, and in adult mouse hepatocytes, demonstrating that eGAV can be applied to a wide range of experimental systems and model organisms.Key words: optogenetics, Gal4/UAS system, transcription, gene expression, Vivid.

Expanding the molecular versatility of an optogenetic switch in yeast.

blue NcWC1-LOV VVD S. cerevisiae Transgene expression
Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 15 Nov 2022 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1029217 Link to full text
Abstract: In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the FUN-LOV (FUNgal Light Oxygen and Voltage) optogenetic switch enables high levels of light-activated gene expression in a reversible and tunable fashion. The FUN-LOV components, under identical promoter and terminator sequences, are encoded in two different plasmids, which limits its future applications in wild and industrial yeast strains. In this work, we aim to expand the molecular versatility of the FUN-LOV switch to increase its biotechnological applications. Initially, we generated new variants of this system by replacing the promoter and terminator sequences and by cloning the system in a single plasmid (FUN-LOVSP). In a second step, we included the nourseothricin (Nat) or hygromycin (Hph) antibiotic resistances genes in the new FUN-LOVSP plasmid, generating two new variants (FUN-LOVSP-Nat and FUN-LOVSP-Hph), to allow selection after genome integration. Then, we compared the levels of light-activated expression for each FUN-LOV variants using the luciferase reporter gene in the BY4741 yeast strain. The results indicate that FUN-LOVSP-Nat and FUN-LOVSP-Hph, either episomally or genome integrated, reached higher levels of luciferase expression upon blue-light stimulation compared the original FUN-LOV system. Finally, we demonstrated the functionality of FUN-LOVSP-Hph in the 59A-EC1118 wine yeast strain, showing similar levels of reporter gene induction under blue-light respect to the laboratory strain, and with lower luciferase expression background in darkness condition. Altogether, the new FUN-LOV variants described here are functional in different yeast strains, expanding the biotechnological applications of this optogenetic tool.

Opto-katanin, an optogenetic tool for localized, microtubule disassembly.

blue iLID VVD Cos-7 HeLa HT-1080 human retinal pigment epithelium cells rat hippocampal neurons U-2 OS Control of cytoskeleton / cell motility / cell shape Cell cycle control Control of vesicular transport
Curr Biol, 28 Sep 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.09.010 Link to full text
Abstract: Microtubules are cytoskeletal polymers that separate chromosomes during mitosis and serve as rails for intracellular transport and organelle positioning. Manipulation of microtubules is widely used in cell and developmental biology, but tools for precise subcellular spatiotemporal control of microtubules are currently lacking. Here, we describe a light-activated system for localized recruitment of the microtubule-severing enzyme katanin. This system, named opto-katanin, uses targeted illumination with blue light to induce rapid, localized, and reversible microtubule depolymerization. This tool allows precise clearing of a subcellular region of microtubules while preserving the rest of the microtubule network, demonstrating that regulation of katanin recruitment to microtubules is sufficient to control its severing activity. The tool is not toxic in the absence of blue light and can be used to disassemble both dynamic and stable microtubules in primary neurons as well as in dividing cells. We show that opto-katanin can be used to locally block vesicle transport and to clarify the dependence of organelle morphology and dynamics on microtubules. Specifically, our data indicate that microtubules are not required for the maintenance of the Golgi stacks or the tubules of the endoplasmic reticulum but are needed for the formation of new membrane tubules. Finally, we demonstrate that this tool can be applied to study the contribution of microtubules to cell mechanics by showing that microtubule bundles can exert forces constricting the nucleus.

Implementation of a Novel Optogenetic Tool in Mammalian Cells Based on a Split T7 RNA Polymerase.

blue Magnets VVD HEK293T Transgene expression
ACS Synth Biol, 3 Aug 2022 DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00067 Link to full text
Abstract: Optogenetic tools are widely used to control gene expression dynamics both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. These tools are used in a variety of biological applications from stem cell differentiation to metabolic engineering. Despite some tools already available in bacteria, no light-inducible system currently exists to control gene expression independently from mammalian transcriptional and/or translational machineries thus working orthogonally to endogenous regulatory mechanisms. Such a tool would be particularly important in synthetic biology, where orthogonality is advantageous to achieve robust activation of synthetic networks. Here we implement, characterize, and optimize a new optogenetic tool in mammalian cells based on a previously published system in bacteria called Opto-T7RNAPs. The tool is orthogonal to the cellular machinery for transcription and consists of a split T7 RNA polymerase coupled with the blue light-inducible magnets system (mammalian OptoT7-mOptoT7). In our study we exploited the T7 polymerase's viral origins to tune our system's expression level, reaching up to an almost 20-fold change activation over the dark control. mOptoT7 is used here to generate mRNA for protein expression, shRNA for protein inhibition, and Pepper aptamer for RNA visualization. Moreover, we show that mOptoT7 can mitigate the gene expression burden when compared to another optogenetic construct. These properties make mOptoT7 a powerful new tool to use when orthogonality and viral RNA species (that lack endogenous RNA modifications) are desired.

Engineered Cas9 extracellular vesicles as a novel gene editing tool.

blue red CRY2/CIB1 Magnets PhyB/PIF6 VVD HEK293T Nucleic acid editing
J Extracell Vesicles, May 2022 DOI: 10.1002/jev2.12225 Link to full text
Abstract: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have shown promise as biological delivery vehicles, but therapeutic applications require efficient cargo loading. Here, we developed new methods for CRISPR/Cas9 loading into EVs through reversible heterodimerization of Cas9-fusions with EV sorting partners. Cas9-loaded EVs were collected from engineered Expi293F cells using standard methodology, characterized using nanoparticle tracking analysis, western blotting, and transmission electron microscopy and analysed for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated functional gene editing in a Cre-reporter cellular assay. Light-induced dimerization using Cryptochrome 2 combined with CD9 or a Myristoylation-Palmitoylation-Palmitoylation lipid modification resulted in efficient loading with approximately 25 Cas9 molecules per EV and high functional delivery with 51% gene editing of the Cre reporter cassette in HEK293 and 25% in HepG2 cells, respectively. This approach was also effective for targeting knock-down of the therapeutically relevant PCSK9 gene with 6% indel efficiency in HEK293. Cas9 transfer was detergent-sensitive and associated with the EV fractions after size exclusion chromatography, indicative of EV-mediated transfer. Considering the advantages of EVs over other delivery vectors we envision that this study will prove useful for a range of therapeutic applications, including CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing.

Light-switchable diphtherin transgene system combined with losartan for triple negtative breast cancer therapy based on nano drug delivery system.

blue VVD 4T1 mouse in vivo Endogenous gene expression
Int J Pharm, 22 Feb 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.121613 Link to full text
Abstract: Breast cancer is a common malignancy in women. The abnormally dense collagen network in breast cancer forms a therapeutic barrier that hinders the penetration and anti-tumor effect of drugs. To overcome this hurdle, we adopted a therapeutic strategy to treat breast cancer which combined a light-switchable transgene system and losartan. The light-switchable transgene system could regulate expression of the diphtheria toxin A fragment (DTA) gene with a high on/off ratio under blue light and had great potential for spatiotemporally controllable gene expression. We developed a nanoparticle drug delivery system to achieve tumor microenvironment-responsive and targeted delivery of DTA-encoded plasmids (pDTA) to tumor sites via dual targeting to cluster of differentiation-44 and αvβ3 receptors. In vivo studies indicated that the combination of pDTA and losartan reduce the concentration of collagen type I from 5.9 to 1.9 µg/g and decreased the level of active transforming growth factor-β by 75.0% in tumor tissues. Moreover, deeper tumor penetration was achieved, tumor growth was inhibited, and the survival rate was increased. Our combination strategy provides a novel and practical method for clinical treatment of breast cancer.

Bifunctional optogenetic switch for improving shikimic acid production in E. coli.

blue VVD E. coli Transgene expression
Biotechnol Biofuels, 7 Feb 2022 DOI: 10.1186/s13068-022-02111-3 Link to full text
Abstract: Background Biomass formation and product synthesis decoupling have been proven to be promising to increase the titer of desired value add products. Optogenetics provides a potential strategy to develop light-induced circuits that conditionally control metabolic flux redistribution for enhanced microbial production. However, the limited number of light-sensitive proteins available to date hinders the progress of light-controlled tools. Results To address these issues, two optogenetic systems (TPRS and TPAS) were constructed by reprogramming the widely used repressor TetR and protease TEVp to expand the current optogenetic toolkit. By merging the two systems, a bifunctional optogenetic switch was constructed to enable orthogonally regulated gene transcription and protein accumulation. Application of this bifunctional switch to decouple biomass formation and shikimic acid biosynthesis allowed 35 g/L of shikimic acid production in a minimal medium from glucose, representing the highest titer reported to date by E. coli without the addition of any chemical inducers and expensive aromatic amino acids. This titer was further boosted to 76 g/L when using rich medium fermentation. Conclusion The cost effective and light-controlled switch reported here provides important insights into environmentally friendly tools for metabolic pathway regulation and should be applicable to the production of other value-add chemicals.

Optogenetic control of RNA function and metabolism using engineered light-switchable RNA-binding proteins.

blue CRY2/CIB1 PAL VVD HEK293T HeLa Transgene expression Epigenetic modification Endogenous gene expression
Nat Biotechnol, 3 Jan 2022 DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-01112-1 Link to full text
Abstract: RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play an essential role in regulating the function of RNAs in a cellular context, but our ability to control RBP activity in time and space is limited. Here, we describe the engineering of LicV, a photoswitchable RBP that binds to a specific RNA sequence in response to blue light irradiation. When fused to various RNA effectors, LicV allows for optogenetic control of RNA localization, splicing, translation and stability in cell culture. Furthermore, LicV-assisted CRISPR-Cas systems allow for efficient and tunable photoswitchable regulation of transcription and genomic locus labeling. These data demonstrate that the photoswitchable RBP LicV can serve as a programmable scaffold for the spatiotemporal control of synthetic RNA effectors.
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